
By rhys Mon-16-Jan-2017 22:30:47

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

OK, just wanted to get your attention. Effective immediately, Senecca has resigned from the role of Head Booker and handed the reigns over to myself.

With that said, I have a few things I need to say/explain/make clear. This thread is a bit of a slog, but please read it all and bare with me. I'm trying to get everything I need to say in one thread.

First of all, this thread is aimed at everyone who is part of 4CW. It is a message for across the board, so if everyone could reply who has any interest in 4CW, that would be great. The show that is late will be posted soon, and any current feuds/storylines will continue as normal.

Is 4CW dead? I'm not going to bullshit you, that really depends on how this thread goes...

OK, I like 4CW. It's fun. I like the writing aspect, the creative aspect, I enjoy the whole thing, I'm sure you guys do too. But the fact is, it's been in a huge slump. Whether it be people no showing or shows being late or head bookers disappearing without a trace, whatever the reason, we're almost as bad as TNA (almost but not quite).... so with me as Head Booker, this is what I am promising you guys:

My Promise
-You will get a monthly 4CW show, without fail.
-I will write EVERY SINGLE match (unless you want to write it yourself).
-I will keep track of all the feuds, storylines, whatever.
-I will judge all matches fairly, unless I am in said match, in which case, I'll pass the judging on to an independent adjudicator (someone not involved in my match at all) to do so.

And on that note, yes, I am continuing as an active member of the roster because...

1) I enjoy playing 4CW.
2) I worked hard over the last few months to get my character where he is.
3) Quite frankly, we need the extra person on the roster

You guys have known me for years, most of you anyway, and you should know I'm not petty or pathetic enough to "book myself to win" and you're just going to have to trust independent adjudicators' decisions when it comes to my matches (the person judging my matches will always be made clear so there's no confusion). If anyone has a problem with this, well ... tough really, cos if I'm going through the effort of running 4CW and writing all the matches, I want to at least take part in the fun myself.

Of course, 4CW is a group effort, so here's...

What I Expect From You
-1 monthly RP (if you are booked in a match)
-1 monthly seg (if you are not booked in a match). This seg can be related to your feuds, storylines, or just a backstage interview, video package, I don't really care - just SOMETHING, so you are commiting to the show every month in some way.
-A review of the show wouldn't hurt either (but I'm not going to enforce it).

That's it. That's all you have to do.

What happens if you no show?

No Shows
-If you are booked for a match, and you do not show, you will be jobbed out. (Unless you tell me before hand that you cannot make it for whatever reason).
-If you no showed on the last show (without fair warning), you will not be booked until you return and tell me you are active again.

I realise I may come across as a bit snippy, that's not my intention, I just want to make it clear what you are signing up for.

So now, all I need is a simple question answered... Are you in or are you out? I need an answer from everyone, because whoever says they are in in this thread, that's the roster I'm going to work with.

If you are out, ok, thank you for taking part, and I hope to see you return sometime.
If you are new, welcome, we're happy to have you, please fill in the form in this thread to join 4CW and I'll make sure to get you booked for the first show with me as Head Booker.
If  you are in, great, happy to have you, let's do what we are supposed to do in 4CW: Have fun.

I'm going to leave this thread open for a week or so to give people a chance to reply. The late show will be posted in that time. If we are up for this, we'll continue for the next show in early February, and if it doesn't work out, and no-one is interested, then that late show will be the last 4CW show for the foreseeable.

-Pilgrim Paige

Last edited by rhys (Wed-18-Jan-2017 03:10:24)

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Gorgrim Mon-16-Jan-2017 23:32:04

Main Event · 734 comments

I'm up for keeping going. Quite frankly, I want a rematch with you Rhys! :-P

4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017


By benjawi Mon-16-Jan-2017 23:36:37

Admin · 3,242 comments

And get advertising it. Spam another forum, I don't care - if it brings in 2 or 3 people for 4CW then it's worth it. If you don't want to spam, ask around nicely.


By Sery Tue-17-Jan-2017 00:10:09

The Blue Print · 1,488 comments

I'm in

Join us in 4w's Facebook group also!


By Reamer Tue-17-Jan-2017 00:50:45

Main Event · 555 comments

The camera cuts to an empty arena with one dim spotlight focused in the middle of the ring.  Standing in the middle of the ring is a lone man, holding a single candle in one hand, and microphone in the other.  The candle is about 3/4th of the way gone.  A camera slowly pans in and we find that it is, in fact, Supreme standing in the center of the ring. 

Supreme: Just like the flame of this candle, every era must come to an end.  4CW has seen it's fair share of ups and downs over the years, and as the flame of this candle burns down, so does this era in 4CW history.

Supreme places the mic into a stand in front of him and pulls another candle from his back pocket and as he begins to light the new candle he continues to talk.

Supreme: ... but just like the flame of this candle, we shall use the remains of the previous era to light a new generation in 4CW.  We are at the precipice of a reincarnation the likes of which 4CW has never seen before. The time has come for this great federation to rise a new and reclaim its seat of glory that it once possessed. This new candle represents the newly revitalized 4CW. Stronger, bigger, and full of hope.  I hear the new owner is asking who is in and who is out.  Who among us is ready to usher in this rejuvenation of the greatest wrestling fed in the history of the world.  As long as there is 4CW your Custom Cup Champion Supreme will be here.  Without a shadow of a doubt. I. Am. In. 

As Supreme blows out the candle the spotlight dies as well, leaving the arena in black.


By rhys Tue-17-Jan-2017 00:57:39

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

I like it, Reamer. Doing it with fucking style.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Pilgrim Paige Sat-21-Jan-2017 18:16:34

The Moon Maiden · 654 comments

I'm in. I'm hesitant when I say that - for no reasons other than my own. I'm struggling with so much shit and my creative juices aren't flowing the way I'd like. But unless my mental health leads me to need a bowing-out, I'm in.

I've no idea where else to put this thought presently, but... I'm unsure how to utilize my faction outside RPs/setgs (I realize I haven't used them in segs yet - I really meant to... I had plans). I'd gladly take part in tag matches, if we had a division, but the roster is small and needs as many heads as it can muster to create somewhat of a fleshed-out singles division. So, presently, I guess it's still Pilgrim Paige on her own. Gorgrim and Jaco have the other potential tag guys when Bally Hoo and Gunnar aren't flying solo, right? Maybe we could have a tag match here or there? I have two perfectly viable partners for Paige, with written profiles that are ready to be posted up, if they're ever needed. I'd love to be using them already, maybe even individually here and there, but I'm struggling enough with my creativity as  it is.... trying to write for 2 or 3 people separately would simply be too much. Mind, I wonder if it would be possible to have one of them wrestle on a card and one of the others be at ringside? I dunno. I'll do what I can. I'm kinda burned out.

Edit: If I can get some kind of rhythm back, and time (I'm working on moving and a bunch of other things) I'd help out with match writing. I enjoyed writing the match I wrote.

Edit 2: Should we perhaps do a new sign-up thread? Separate from the old one, which goes back to 2013... I feel it'd make things feel refreshed, rebooted. Plus cleaner/easier for RPers, match-writers and folks in feuds to navigate to the relevant profiles/bios and the like. Just a thought. I'll await reply about this and post Hazel and Tsukiko's profiles within the relevant thread thereafter.

Last edited by Pilgrim Paige (Sat-21-Jan-2017 18:26:42)

~☆~☆~Pronouns:  she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~


By rhys Sat-21-Jan-2017 20:29:55

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

I have plans for new threads, I'll be sorting them out in due time. Right now I just want everyone to commit to roleplay if they are booked. Good to see you in.

And if you want your faction members to be used, I'll add them to the active roster. I'll stick to just having them at ringside or whatever for now, give you a chance to introduce them in-show.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Pilgrim Paige Sat-21-Jan-2017 21:01:58

The Moon Maiden · 654 comments

Much appreciated.

~☆~☆~Pronouns:  she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~