4CW Sign Up Thread (2019)


By rhys Wed-25-Jan-2017 04:16:42

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments


If you want to sign up for 4CW, just fill in this form and post it here! This is a new thread cos the last thread is from 2013 and a bit cluttered with old stuff that's no longer relevant. The old thread is still available in the "Past Shows" sub forum. Below will be posted the roster that have already registered and some stock characters.

Pic Base:
Previous Feds:
Previous Feuds

Finishing Moves:

Signature Moves:

Other Moves:

Entrance Music:

Full Entrance




Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Sery Fri-27-Jan-2017 02:17:15

The Blue Print · 1,488 comments

That MONSTAR is a beast. Why isnt he the champ?

Join us in 4w's Facebook group also!


By Ninjak_XO Wed-1-Feb-2017 10:56:48

Main Event · 977 comments

Name: Phil McGroin
Pic Base: Jamie Noble (with the cut of jeans, not the trunks version. I'll find a pic sometime when I'm not working, unless someone can easily find a picture already)
Height: 5 foot 7
Weight: 14 stone
D.O.B: 26/10/1982
Hometown: Truro, England.
Resides: Helston, England.
Trainer: no one, he trains himself
Previous Feds: none
Debut: not yet

Bio: Phil McGroin is a Cornish wrestler modelled after Jamie Noble. He's yet to make his professional debut but has wrestled all over Cornwall in non-professional bouts and has signed his first major contract with 4CW where he expects he will have to travel a lot as he still has his farm to look after, so really can't move full time out of Cornwall. He loves his chickens too much to leave them for more than a weekend.

Heel/Tweener/Face: tweener

Previous Feuds: none

Finishing Moves:
Eggcution DDT (think edgecution DDT)
Eggcutor submission (think Edgecutor submission)
I like Edges finishers when he's not bear-hugging people.

Signature Moves:
swinging neck breaker
fisherman's suplex

Other Moves:
360 splash
snap suplex
t-bone suplex
hip toss

Entrance Music: Numb - Linkin Park

Full Entrance: Casually stroll down to the ring, chin up ignoring all the fans. They boo, they cheer, no one can decide whether they really like him, but McGroin doesn't care as he's above everyone despite only being 5 foot 7. He takes the steps, climbs through the middle rope and demands that the ring announcer tells everyone who he is - "Phil McGroin, the man who once made a cow tap out".

Accomplishments: Once made a cow tap out.



By Sery Wed-1-Feb-2017 17:25:45

The Blue Print · 1,488 comments

Nice to have you aboard Ninjak!

Join us in 4w's Facebook group also!


By rhys Wed-1-Feb-2017 18:50:06

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Indeed it is. Welcome aboard, Ninjak. The card is already up for the next show, but feel free to send in a backstage segment or something. I'll get you booked for the following show 🙂 .

Phil McGroin lmao 😄

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Ninjak_XO Wed-1-Feb-2017 19:29:24

Main Event · 977 comments

Thats the Jamie Noble attire that I was thinking about. Perfect for my guy.

Phil McGroin used to be the name I used when I went on a night out. Worked surprisingly well when talking to the ladies 😄



By rhys Wed-1-Feb-2017 19:40:14

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

I love it.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By eastdog Wed-8-Feb-2017 23:37:32

Jobber · 76 comments

Name: JJ Blaze

Pic Base: Photo-Donations-Seth.jpg

Height: 6'1

Weight 215

D.O.B: 07/18/1989

Hometown: Columbus,Ohio

Resides: Columbus,Ohio


Previous Feds: 4cw

Debut: a long time ago

Bio: was once a zombie

Heel/Tweener/Face tweener

Previous Feuds sydner

Finishing Moves:
Blaze of Glory(whisper in the wind)
Deadshot(Canadian Destroyer)

Signature Moves:
Super Kick
German Suplex
Frog Splash

Other Moves:

Entrance Music: Shepherd OF Fire - Avenged Sevenfold

Full Entrance

Accomplishments: Was Killed and came back as a zombie and then wasnt a zombie

Last edited by eastdog (Wed-8-Feb-2017 23:38:41)


By rhys Thu-9-Feb-2017 00:13:12

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Good to see you back eastdog! Write a seg for the next show if you want, but failing that, I'll get you on the card for the March show.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Ninjak_XO Thu-9-Feb-2017 09:31:29

Main Event · 977 comments

So how does all this work? Is there a guide anywhere?

Last edited by Ninjak_XO (Thu-9-Feb-2017 09:31:40)



By Gorgrim Thu-9-Feb-2017 10:09:07

Main Event · 734 comments

In essence, for this show youy can write yourself a backstage segment of any kind, be it an interview a social interaction with staff/roster or even an assault if you really want, though if you try it on one of the main player characters, you may be in for a beating yourself! :-P  After that, have a read of what we've put up already with regards to shows and rp's and figure out what you want to do with your character and how you want to develop him :-)

4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017


By Ninjak_XO Thu-9-Feb-2017 16:06:39

Main Event · 977 comments

So I just RP and develop my character through that. Okay. I've seen the thread with the guidelines for RPing so will work within those.

How are the match ups made?

What determines who wins? Is it quality of posts around the forum? Agreed between the people feuding? Head booker decides?

As someone new to this I definitely feel there needs to be a thread explaining everything as I'm sure all efeds are run differently. Would be quite handy, especially for if anyone new joins and wants to get involved.



By Gorgrim Thu-9-Feb-2017 16:18:02

Main Event · 734 comments

The matches are made up by the booker, in this case Rhys. I guess if you wanted a full on feud you'd chat about it with your opponent and let the booker know so he can book the matches accordingly. You and your opponent would then come up with segs for the show that help develop your feud. Just look back on the last couple of shows with Supreme and Sery, or with White and Rhys Cain towards the end of the tournament.

As for who wins the matches, well, currently that's decided by an adjudicator, Benjawi I think, or at least he was doing it. He'll essentially read through your RPs and decide which one he likes best and again, let the booker know. I guess if you are in a feud and already have the feud planned out, including win/loss ratios with the exception of the final fight, then let Rhys know and he'll incorporate that when handing out the match writing assignments.

The main thing is to enjoy developing your character, seeing what feuds you can come up with and telling exciting and compelling stories with everyone.

4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017


By rhys Thu-9-Feb-2017 18:14:21

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Gorgrim pretty much covered it all pretty sweetly, I'll just clarify a few things:

-The cards are planned by myself and the feuds are planned by either myself or, if you and someone want to feud, then let me know and I can make it work for the show. Basically, I will fill in the gaps where people don't do it themselves.

-If I am not involved in the match, I will judge the matches and decide the winner. Winners are decided solely on the quality of the RP OR if you have a planned feud with someone, you can pick who wins or loses between yourselves, let me know, I'll make it work. If I am involved in the match, I will get an independent adjudicator to decide who wins (there is no set person, but it'll be a neutral person).

If you have any more specific questions, just let me know, I'll do my best to answer.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Ninjak_XO Fri-10-Feb-2017 13:14:56

Main Event · 977 comments

Cool, thanks guys.



By Bang Tue-21-Feb-2017 05:56:01

Jobber · 2 comments

Name: Bang Roivas
Pic Base:


Kenny Omega

Height: 6'2
Weight: 226 lbs
D.O.B: May 2nd, 1989
Hometown: Pierre, South Dakota
Resides: Paradise City, Parts Unknown
Trainer: Self-Taught
Previous Feds:
-Midwest PRO
Debut: ACCW Ignition, January 2007
Bio: Too long my guy, too long.
Heel/Tweener/Face: Tweener ( heel lean )
Previous Feuds
- Adam Christ
- Kelly Swanson
- "The Rose" Andrew Raze
- Carter Chaos
- King Croo
- Mastiff
- Alphonse Gabriel
- Vyrus Steeps
- The Swan

Finishing Moves:
-High Caliber Knee ( Most common. Running Knee or Kenny Omega's V-Trigger. If he has time for grandiose set-up, Bang will make a fist excluding his thumb and press his knuckles to his upper leg just above the knee. He will then touch the side of his pointer finger and slowly draw his thumb backwards, like pulling back the hammer on a revolver before executing the knee. He will otherwise simply point a fingergun at his opponent before landing the knee, or forgo taunting altogether. )

- Ankle Lock ( Somewhat rarer than the High Caliber Knee )

- Rear Naked Choke ( Occasional. )

- Howitzer ( Superkick. )

- The .45 ( Seth Rollin's Curb Stomp, used as a set up for the Ankle Lock or grounded version of the Rear Naked Choke. )

- The Gun Show ( Very Rare. Bang flexes and kisses his bicep, before setting his opponent up for and performing a Burning Hammer. )

- Shot Through the Heart ( Very Rare, Springboard coast-2-coast to the chest with both feet, with the opponent on their knees and their arms tied up in the ropes. )

Signature Moves:
- Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
- Reverse DDT
- Slingblade
- Smith and Wesson ( Codebreaker )
- Blue Thunder Bomb
- Double Underhook Orange Crush
- Jumping Turnbuckle Clothesline
- Knee Lift
- Shoot Kicks
- Yakuza Kick
- Savate Kick

Other Moves:

- Flapjack
- Double Underhook Piledriver
- Death Valley Driver
- Double Underhook DDT
- Implant DDT
- Reverse Neckbreaker
- Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker
- Bridging German
- Dragon Release
- Hammerlock
- Snap
- Vertical
- Kitchen Sink
- Thesz Press
- Spinning Heel Kick
- Running Bulldog
-- Moonsaults
- Asai
- Standing
- Diving
- Springboard Legdrop
- Tope
- Also This.

Entrance Music:
- "A Cut Above" by Avery Watts ( 2012 - present )
- "The Final Countdown" by Europe (2007 - 2012 )

Full Entrance

The sound of some sort of firearm cocking is heard and after a moments pause it's followed by the sound of a shot fired. "A Cut Above" by Avery Watts blares on the PA System as the lights dim into near darkness. A thin mist rolls over the stage and ramp area as smoke billows from the four corners of the stage.

" Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing, the best of the beeeeeeeest... aaaa-eee-HERE'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ( LOOKS LIKE! ), BEING THE BEST! WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, TO BE A CUT ABOVE THE REST! "

Suddenly a stoplight illuminates a previously unseen figure on the stage, standing with his back to the crowd. He raises one hand, digits folded into a fingergun with his pointer and middle fingers as the barrel, and his thumb as the hammer. Pointing high into the sky, he folds his thumb against his pointer fingers suddenly, 'firing' the gun as pyrotechnics explode around the stage.


Bang Roivas twirls on his heels to face the crowd, strutting forward and paying no mind to the leftover sparks from his pyro bouncing off his chest and shoulders with the EGO World Championship on his waist. He leisurely makes his way to the ring, somehow managing to chew gum and also deal with the toothpick between his lips as he looks at the crowd through his shades. His expression goes from neutral to the occasional smirk as he goes, depending on how he feels.


Carson: Making his way to the ring, hailing from Paradise City in Parts Unknown, standing at six-foot-two and weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-six pounds, "THE EGO" BAAAAAAAAAAAAANG ROOOOIIIIIIVAAAAS!

Eventually reaching the ringside area, he plucks the toothpick from his mouth and tosses it high into the air, and it lands somewhere in the fans; probably in some unlucky ( or lucky depending on how you see it ) fan's drink. Stepping over to the ring steps, he spits out his gum on the ringside floor before jogging up them and stepping onto the apron. Standing there on the apron, he gloves the fans another shot of his fingergun pose before putting his other hand on the top rope and, pulling back, umping and using the momentum to launch himself into the ring. he lands on his feet in the ring and quickly takes his shades off and places them in the pocket of his leather jacket, which he hangs on the ringpost along with his EGO World Championship. Climbing the ropes Bang takes a seat on the top turnbuckle and, beckoning a member of the ringside staff over, demands a water bottle which he is promptly supplied with. bang relaxes and drinks from the bottle as he waits for the match to begin.

2x ACCW Intercontinental Champion
4x ACCW Tag Team Champions ( with various )
3x XNYW Hell's Kitchen Champion
1x XNYW Manahttan Champion
1x EGO Ascension Champion ( vacated )
1x EGO World Champion ( first and last )

Last edited by Bang (Tue-21-Feb-2017 05:57:31)


By rhys Tue-21-Feb-2017 07:17:20

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Welcome to 4w Bang, and welcome to 4CW! I'll add you to the roster and I'll message you soon about your introduction into the show. Good to have you. 🙂

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Sery Tue-21-Feb-2017 15:59:45

The Blue Print · 1,488 comments
Ninjak_XO wrote

So I just RP and develop my character through that. Okay. I've seen the thread with the guidelines for RPing so will work within those.

How are the match ups made?

What determines who wins? Is it quality of posts around the forum? Agreed between the people feuding? Head booker decides?

As someone new to this I definitely feel there needs to be a thread explaining everything as I'm sure all efeds are run differently. Would be quite handy, especially for if anyone new joins and wants to get involved.

Basically everyone jobs to me. That is how this works.

Join us in 4w's Facebook group also!


By Reamer Tue-21-Feb-2017 21:35:22

Main Event · 555 comments
Sery wrote
Ninjak_XO wrote

So I just RP and develop my character through that. Okay. I've seen the thread with the guidelines for RPing so will work within those.

How are the match ups made?

What determines who wins? Is it quality of posts around the forum? Agreed between the people feuding? Head booker decides?

As someone new to this I definitely feel there needs to be a thread explaining everything as I'm sure all efeds are run differently. Would be quite handy, especially for if anyone new joins and wants to get involved.

Basically everyone jobs to me. That is how this works.

What he meant to say, was that Sery jobs to everybody.


By Reamer Sat-29-Apr-2017 20:33:14

Main Event · 555 comments

Name: Supreme

Pic Base: coltcabana.jpg

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 240 lbs.

D.O.B.: 10/30/81

Hometown: Supremeville, USA

Resides: Supremeville, USA

Trainer: Self-taught

Previous Feds: 4CW

Debut: I wanna say sometime back in like ‘05ish?

Bio: I could carry on with a long account about the history of Supreme, but here’s the basics that you need to know.  Supreme enter 4CW in an attempt to achieve his life long goal of being a pro wrestler, and later as we found out, to calm the rising tide of hatred inside of him. As we discovered very quickly in the first ever Hard Knocks Life match, that did not work out the way it was supposed too.  Supreme was the second ever 4CW Heavyweight Champion. He’s also been a 2 time Custom Cup Champion, tag champion, and was inducted into the 4CW Hall of Fame. However, he just couldn’t stay away from the business that he loves.  When it comes to running factions, few have been able to do as a good of a job as Supreme either.  When you think of greatest stable of all time, High Society is always at the top of that list.  Now, as Supreme continues his run in 4CW he is hoping to gain that spot at the top once again.


Previous Feuds: [chux], Sery, Mike Nichols, Fish, damn near the entire roster. LOL!

Finishing moves: Supreme Impact (Masato Tanaka’s Diamond Dust)
Supreme Demise (Texas Cloverleaf)

Signature Moves: Supreme Compromise (Fisherman Suplex into a bridge)
Supreme annoyance (roaring elbow)

Other Moves: Supreme is a technical wrestle, take the wrestling skills of a Dean Malenko or a Fit Finlay, but then add in the suplexing brilliance of a Taz.  If you have any more quandaries from there, please feel free to ask. 

Entrance Music: Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold

Full Entrance: The lights in the arena turn to black as the mellow beginings of nightmare start to play over the P.A. system.  As each ping of the opening instrumentals pierce through the arena, small flashes of lights are triggered one after the other, each on representing a note of the song.  As the drums kick in hot and heavy, the flights all flash bright in a rapid motion then die out again.  This keeps up with each beat of the drum.  As the word nightmare rips through the awaiting crowd, the lights come on full blast and Supreme is standing at the top of the entry way, arms stretched out in anticipation of the boos from the crowd.  He saunters down to the ring as the song continues to play.

Announer:Hailing from Supremeville, USA, he wants to be refereed to as The Best Damn thing to ever happen to Pro Wrestling, he is a former 2x  Custom Cup Champion, Former Tag Team Champion, Former 4CW World Heavyweight Champion, and current Hall of Famer, Ladies and Gentlemen welcome … SUPREME!!!!!


By Wolfie Wed-24-May-2017 03:53:02

Mid Card · 190 comments

Ring Name: Lord Skywolf

Birth Name: Skylar Cross

Nicknames: The Unnatural Predator, Lord of the Ring, Five-Star Phenomenon

Wrestling Style: Powerhouse, Technical

Pic Base: Judas Mesias

Height: 6’4”

Weight: 255lbs

D.O.B.: 4:44am, Wednesday, October 31st, 1979

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Resides: Hollywood, California

Trainer: Jace

Previous Feds: n4o, DWW, Carnage Wrestling, fEar, CEW, RPW, tSC, GCW, PRIME

Debut: 2002

Bio: One-time wrestling champion, then 4CW founder and owner, then champion once again, and now General Manager.

Status: Face

Previous Feuds: Alexandre, Eddie Wolfbaine, Chris Drake

Finishing Moves - Impact: Divine Intervention (The attacker holds the opponent in a piledriver position, cradling it, and then lifts the opponent up, before driving the opponent’s back and neck hard to the mat with a modified fall-forward powerbomb. Can also be used as a throw-down move on smaller opponents, or ended in a seated/kneeling/whatever position)
KTFO (The opponent is placed in a double underhook position, then lifted into the air like a Pedigree, but the attacker then throws his knee up into the opponent's face just as he reaches the apex of the lift)
The Otherside (The opponent is placed in a three-quarter bulldog face lock, before being spun into a falling reverse DDT)
Howling Superkick (The attacker faces his side to the opponent, then pivots on his feet, throwing a spinning superkick up under the chin of the victim)

Finishing Moves - Submission: King's Cross (Standing over the opponent's prone body while facing their legs, the attacker reaches down and lifts both of their legs into the air. After bending the opponent’s left leg over the attacker’s left arm, the opponent's right leg is then brought over their left leg, bending it over the shin. The attacker places his right arm under the ankle of the opponent’s left leg, wrapping it over the opponent’s right shin, before turning over into a reverse Texas cloverleaf)
Hail To The Lord (A full nelson while in the camel clutch position)

Finishing Moves - Rarities: Decareerifier (Fisherman’s suplex set up to snap double-arm brainbuster)
Dragon Driver (The opponent is lifted into a torture rack position, with the attacker reaching back to hook the opponent’s far arm rather than his neck, leaving the victim lying flat on his back over the attacker’s shoulders, with one arm hooked under one of the attacker’s, the other arm around the attacker’s neck, and a cradle locked in between his legs. The attacker then drops to the side in a DVD-esque movement, driving the opponent down onto the back of his neck)

Signature Moves: Twisted Intentions (Double-arm swinging DDT)
Elevator Kicks (Kick to leg, then midsection, and finally head)
Crossover Crab (The opponent’s legs are crossed in an ‘X’ with the left leg under the attacker’s left arm, and the right leg under the attacker’s right arm, before being turned over)
Total Domination (The attacker lifts the victim into the air, connecting with one piledriver, then allows the victim to drop to one side while following and still maintaining the body lock, repeating the process for several more)
Blackout (The victim is placed over the attacker’s shoulders in a fireman’s carry, then thrown into the air for a high-angle DVD, but the attacker turns his body with the opponent’s and catches the victim with a modified powerslam on the way down)

Other Moves: Hip Toss To Ace Crusher (The opponent is lifted into the air via a hip toss, but, before they’re spun over, the attacker drives them down with an elevated ace crusher)
Tilt-A-Whirl Tombstone Piledriver
Kneeling Neckbreaker
Various Lariats
Kneeling Piledriver
Spinning Back Kick
Gutwrench Sidewalk Slam

Entrance Music: "A Warrior's Call" - Volbeat

The lights begin to slowly dim, while the familiar sound of drums overtakes the arena. A hum precedes the lights fully turning off, before Volbeat's "A Warrior's Call" completely starts up, and the words "The Lord of the Ring" flash on the 4CWtron just as "Let's get ready to rumble!" echoes throughout the arena. The fans come to their feet as the single ding from the ring bell prompts a quick explosion of pyro, bringing the lights back on and the man known as Lord Skywolf onto the stage. Taking a moment to look over the crowd, he nods to himself, then raises a fist in the air, prompting one more round of pyro before beginning his walk to the ring. He cracks his neck a few times while walking down the ramp, then deftly pulls himself up onto the ring apron, looking out to the crowd again, before stepping through the ropes and climbing the nearest corner, standing on the middle turnbuckle with his arms in a crucifix pose.

Accomplishments: n4o Tag Champion (first), n4o Primetime Champion (x2, last), DWW World Champion (only), Carnage World Champion (only), fEar World Champion, CEW Tag Champion (x2), CEW Television Champion, CEW North American Champion (x4), RPW Mid South Champion (last), tSC Mid South Champion (only), GCW Tag Champion, GCW King Of Submission Champion (first), GCW Undisputed Champion (x2), 4CW World Champion, 4CW Tag Champion

Last edited by Wolfie (Fri-7-Jul-2017 03:04:49)


By ImperialStingmon Sat-24-Jun-2017 00:30:54

Mid Card · 230 comments

Name: Jacob "The Thunderbolt" Scharff
Pic Base: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmFYNEKbgoL1oSrgpQLhYcv8RynkENQlPl8gGBjXhVqFdUL6QJ
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 260
D.O.B: 1/31/1986
Hometown: Augusta, Ga
Resides: Atlanta, Ga
Trainer: Former wrestler Dark Star(his father)
Previous Feds: 4CW, ICW, KWC, RoR, IWF, AoL, RWF
Debut: 5/1/2006
Bio: Jacob is a former 4CW star and it was in 4CW where he first got his big break into wrestling, but at a low point in the company's history he ended up having no choice but to look elsewhere for work. This helped him hone his craft even further though and now he looks to return 4CW and climb the mountain one more time.
Heel/Tweener/Face: Face
Previous Feuds: Chux, Rhys, Julian Magnez, Fairy Beaufeur, Sorin Webster

Finishing Moves: Sonicboom(People's DDT), Thunder Drop(Angle Slam)

Signature Moves: Rumbling Thunder(Rolling German suplexes), Shock Buster(Sitout Spinebuster), The Pulse (Edge O'matic)

Other Moves: Spinning Backfist, Lariat, Fallaway Slam, Widowmaker, Turnbuckle Bomb, Gourdbuster, Samoan Drop, Inverted TKO

Entrance Music: "His World" by Crush 40

Full Entrance: Jacob comes out in a yellow hoodie, emblazoned on the back with a blue lightning bolt and makes a lightning bolt in the air with chops before heading to the ring.

Accomplishments: 4CW World Heavyweight Champion x2, 4CW Universal Champion, Beat Chux in a Gallows Pole match, multiple time Hardcore Champion


By rhys Sat-24-Jun-2017 01:19:16

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Welcome back, Stingmon. Good to see an old face.

Oh and Stingmon, go into your profile settings and allow PMs so I can contact you easier if need be.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By ImperialStingmon Sat-24-Jun-2017 02:08:35

Mid Card · 230 comments

I think it's all fixed Rhys.


By Ninjak_XO Sat-24-Jun-2017 19:50:23

Main Event · 977 comments

Wooo new member
