4CW Sign Up Thread (2019)
Name: Janitur
Pic Base:
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 240
D.O.B: 4-1-1986
Hometown: Sicily, Italy
Resides: Oshkosh-Neenah, WI
Trainer: Beggar So & Captain Jack Sparrow
Previous Feds: BHF, IBW, UWA, FTW, 4CW
Debut: 2002
Bio: "Oh man. You want I to talk about me? Well, me mostly like to clean, sometimes me make mistakes and people want to fight me, me no like to fight, but have lotsa fun wrestling."
Previous Feuds
Finishing Moves:
The 2girls1cup - Half Dragon, Half Nelson Overhead Release Suplex (he should never hit this).
Signature Moves:
The Plunge - Diving HeadButt
The Sperm - The Worm
Other Moves:
Entrance Music: Gunther - Ding Dong Song
Full Entrance: Usually is already in the ring when the camera comes
Longest Reigning 1 half of the BHF Tag Team Champion
Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if he misses the first section of a revolving door.

By Dread Pirate Thu-29-Jun-2017 15:12:21
Jobber · 82 commentsName: Janitur
Pic Base:
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 240
D.O.B: 4-1-1986
Hometown: Sicily, Italy
Resides: Oshkosh-Neenah, WI
Trainer: Beggar So & Captain Jack Sparrow
Previous Feds: BHF, IBW, UWA, FTW, 4CW
Debut: 2002
Bio: "Oh man. You want I to talk about me? Well, me mostly like to clean, sometimes me make mistakes and people want to fight me, me no like to fight, but have lotsa fun wrestling."
Previous Feuds
Finishing Moves:
The 2girls1cup - Half Dragon, Half Nelson Overhead Release Suplex (he should never hit this).
Signature Moves:
The Plunge - Diving HeadButt
The Sperm - The Worm
Other Moves:
ClichesEntrance Music: Gunther - Ding Dong Song
Full Entrance: Usually is already in the ring when the camera comes
Longest Reigning 1 half of the BHF Tag Team Champion
*cracks open a can of O'Douls*
The asshole formerly known as Jaco
Founding member of The Cult of [chux]

By RD Tue-1-Aug-2017 01:24:35
Mid Card · 347 commentsName: Dirk Meyer
Pic Base:
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 240 lbs
D.O.B: 3-28-86
Hometown: Valhalla, NY
Resides: Valhalla, NY
Trainer: George Hero, Hektik, Brian Cooter
Previous Feds: HWF, 4CW
Debut: 2003?
Dirk Meyer is a bit of an enigma. He hails from Valhalla New York, his home broken and unappreciated by his own brother, and mother... He left as soon as he was able to... At least that's how he tell the story... A victim of their negligence. He spent years training himself before debuting in 4CW. The rest of his career can be tracked here in 4CW.
Alignment: Heel
Previous Feuds: Fish
Finishing Moves: The Eclipse (Downward Spiral)
-he tries to use this similar to an RKO and will try to set people up from many different angles or catch them by surprise I.e. he will scoop someone up, catch a running or diving opponent, do it from on his shoulders similar to an f5-
Signature Moves:
Hook Line and Sinker (Double Underhook Famouser)
Full Nelson into a spinning neckbreaker
Other Moves:
Snapmare followed by dropkick to back
Wristlock, hammerlock,
Headlock takedown
Standard Suplex
Catapult into corner or under bottom rope
Monkey flip
Leg Lariat
DDT to the foot
Full Nelson
Scoop Slam
Entrance Music: "Step" -Ministry
Full Entrance:
Accomplishments: 4CW Tag Team Champion (w/ Senecca unfortunately)
Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if he misses the first section of a revolving door.

By Ninjak_XO Wed-2-Aug-2017 20:48:39
Main Event · 977 commentsName: Joey Joe Joe Junior. (known to his friends as Quadruple J).
Pic Base:
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 14st
Hometown: Burnley
Resides: London
Trainer: Unknown
Previous Feds: None
Debut: N/A
Bio: Incredibly rich, owns a billion pound company that he built himself. World travelled, ladies man who has decided the next step in his career is to conqure the wrestling world. No matter the cost, he will be the best, just like he's the best in the business world. Even if he has to sleaze his way to the top. He truly believes that no one is better looking or a better person than he is. He refers to himself in third person.
Finishing Moves: spinning pile-driver (going to call it the You're Owned)
Signature Moves: Unknown
Other Moves: Currently just basic wrestling moves as he learns his craft.
Entrance Music: None
Full Entrance: he walks down to the ring with no music playing, but with £50 notes raining down to show everyone that he's richer than they are. He doesn't believe in entrance music as it could take focus away from him and he doesn't need to put on a show like that. He wants to hear the hatred and jealousy that comes his way.
Accomplishments: Whatever he wants, he gets.
Last edited by Ninjak_XO (Fri-17-Nov-2017 19:17:32)

By SennY Wed-2-Aug-2017 23:11:42
Universal Interspecies GM of the 4w Galaxy · 325 commentsName: Joey Joe Joe Junior.
You forgot to add the Shabadoo at the end there Homer...

By Ninjak_XO Thu-3-Aug-2017 06:36:50
Main Event · 977 commentsName: Joey Joe Joe Junior.
You forgot to add the Shabadoo at the end there Homer...
Bah, I came across an iTunes account called Joey Joe Joe Jr and was like "that's fucking hilarious, I love it". Should have Googled it first as the Simpsons are all that come up for it. Had forgotten about that scene in the Simpsons. I think I can skip the Shabadoo part though. Still love the name.

By Ninjak_XO Fri-17-Nov-2017 19:13:59
Main Event · 977 commentsUpdated some things for Quad J.

By JH007 Fri-9-Mar-2018 17:58:35
Jobber · 12 commentsWrestler Name: Clyde Bonham
Height: 6 ft even
Weight: 231 lbs
Age: 31
Hometown: Death Falls, Nevada
History: Clyde was raised in the traditional manner by his parents, a belt when bad, and an allowance when good. Christianity was a big part of his life, until he fell out like most teenagers did, getting caught up in a life of thievery, drugs, the typical high school norm. He got his degree on time, he was a genius despite trying to disguise it for all of those years. He got away from drugs and embraced alcohol and cigarettes... it was a much better look. At that point he began going from bar to bar looking for trouble, until he began to be hired as a bouncer for his fighting abilities... there was only one fight he had ever lost, and that was because of a sucker punch. He began to take on a rugged look, from scruff on his chin and cheeks, and scars upon his face. However, he still attracted the ladies, and never went without a trophy for every night of the week. Clyde began to box and get into MMA, essentially leading him to his childhood passion of wrestling. Now he only had a DUI count to reduce to step through the doors to the big show.
Alignment: Tweener
Character Rep: Bruce Willis
Appearance: Rugged, scruffy look, but well kept short hair, easy to spike, or fall down to a suitable man's appearance. He wrestles in a black wifebeater and black jeans, held up by a studded belt. A tattoo seems to drip down his arm of a skull being stabbed by a sword, dripping blood. Backstage he wears a black Moto style leather jacket, as he wears in his entrance.
Wrestling Style: he has a knowledge of all styles, but he is essentially a technician and brawler
Entrance Music: 3's and 7's by Queens of the Stone Age
Entrance: The sound of firecrackers begin to echo around the arena and smoke begins to fill the air. Sparks begin to shoot out of the ramp and the revving of an engine can be heard, followed by a car speeding away into the distance. The guitar kicks in as "3's and 7's" by Queens of the Stone Age begins to echo around the arena. Clyde Bonham steps out in a black wifebeater and blue, torn jeans, a slightly maniacal smile twisted on his face. His black leather jacket completes the ensemble, reflecting the sparks seemingly off of it. He walks down the ramp, smirking at the fans a bit, occasionally acknowledging a sign or to that reference him. Clyde climbs the stairs and swiftly enters the ring via the second rope, spinning and raising his arms in the air. He removes the jacket and folds it over, handing it to the time keeper before rotating his wrists and bouncing on his legs to loosen himself up. He stops after a few seconds and leans back into the turnbuckle, eyeing his opponent as he waits for the bell to ring.
Snap Suplex
Clothesline to the back of the head
Hook punches
German Suplex
Flipping Dropkick
Swinging Neckbreaker
Running Forearm
Diving Forearm
Underhook Suplex
Ribbreaker, sometimes held into a submission attempt
Backbreacker, sometimes held into a submission attempt
Boxing combination - Any combination of boxing punches, strageically placed to wear the opponent down and drive them into the corner or against the ropes. Follwed with an Irish whip.
Running Leg Drop
Running Elbow Drop
Camel Clutch
Single Leg Lock
Boston Crab
Sleeper Hold
Achilles Lock
Running Knee Drop
Classical Music - Clyde drops a stiff forearm onto the throat of his opponent, causing them to cough, and make his kind of classical music, which is gasping for air.
Mudhole Stomping
Monkey Flip
Tree of Woe to Baseball Slide
Top Rope Piledriver
Shining Wizard
High Flying
Elbow Drop
Leg Drop
Cross Body (While Standing Up)
Flipping Neck Breaker
Spinning Heel Kick
Signature Moves
Ouch!: Shining Wizard (Set up for the Crossroads)
Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma'am: Reverse Uranage (Set up for the Tourniquet)
Gunslinger: Slingshot over the ropes to outside of the ring (Set up for the Incapacitator, but can be used just for the heck of it.)
Crossroads: Picks them up in the Electric Chair Position, jumps up and pushes them off his shoulders, catches them and spins them around, slamming them down with a Sitdown Powerbomb.
Tourniquet: Turns opponent on their back and grabs their arms, holding them up so he can get his legs to lie under their back, then sits down and pulls their neck into his knees, and their arms down, and seemingly out of socket. Submission Manuever.
Incapacitator (only used in desperation or in big matches): Clyde hops to the top rope (not at the turnbuckle) and does a springboard shooting star press to the outside of the ring onto his opponent.
-Quick for an roughed up person, but slower than most light heavyweights.
-Has a weak right elbow from a bad fight
-Less than 20/20 vision, but enough to legally get by without glasses
-MMA, martial arts, boxing, street fighting, and wrestling experience
-Has money to get himself out of serious jams, willing to bribe in the most extreme situations.

By ImperialStingmon Sat-7-Apr-2018 15:58:42
Mid Card · 230 commentsTeam Name: Umbra Maxima
Catchphrase: Cadas tu et luna sub umbra est scriptor (You will fall under the moon's shadow.)
Tag Team Finisher: Lunata Nusquam Arcus (Crescent Arc) (Shiranui/Powerbomb Combination)
Alignment: Heels
Entrance Music: Taking You Down by Egypt Central
Member 1
Name: Maximillian Yesgill
Height: 5'10
Weight: 205
Hometown: New York
Age: 28
Looks like: Hayden Christensen
Cruiserweight moveset
Lunar Lasso (Slingblade)
Crater Creator (Jeff Hardy's corner dropkick)
Booster Descent (Springboard Superman Punch)
Member 2
Name: Elfan Simtul
Height 6'6"
Weight: 280
Hometown: New York
Age: 29
Looks like: Lars Sullivan
Moveset: JBL
Falling Satellite (Gorilla Press Slam)
Total Eclipse (Stinger Splash)
Shadow Hammer (Burning Hammer)
Darkness Take You (Dragon Sleeper w/Body Scissors)
Meteor Hammer (Burning Hammer off the top rope) (Desperation/PPV only)
Last edited by ImperialStingmon (Fri-25-May-2018 13:16:26)

By Sery Sat-7-Jul-2018 15:06:14
The Blue Print · 1,488 commentsName: Robert Smith
Pic Base:
Height: 6'0
Weight; 197.5 pounds
D.O.B: 30
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
Resides: Omaha, Nebraska
Trainer: Stan the Man
Debut: 2004
Bio: Robert Smith has been traveled around the United States wrestling in various wrestling promotions. He has now decided to come to 4CW to wrestle. When not wrestling Robert Smith likes to woodwork and have a beer or two with the boys.
Heel/Tweener/Face; Face
Previous Feuds: Robert Smith vs. Mediocrity
Finishing Moves:
The Robert Smith Slam - Body Slam
Signature Moves:
The Robert Smith Arm Wrench (Arm Wrench)
A Punch (Only when provoked, Robert fights fair)
The Robert Smith Clothesline (Clothesline)
Other Moves:
Abdominal Stretch
Regular Suplex
Arm drag (only is getting a little to fast paced for Robert)
Flying Axe Handle (Off the top rope)
Entrance Music: Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
Full Entrance
A rousing rendition of Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen hits the PA system and through the curtains comes out Robert Smith dressed in his black trunks. Robert Smith makes his way to the ring and does a fist pump to the crowd as he comes down to the ring.
Michael Carson: Weighing in at 197.5 pounds hailing from Omaha, Nebraska the amazing Robert Smith!
Robert Smith takes exception to something Michael Carson said while he makes his way up the ring steps and enters the ring. Robert Smith yells to Carson "Its THE WRESTLER Robert Smith!" and then proceeds to go through a stretching routine in the ring waiting for his opponent.
3rd Place at the Nebraska State Fair Pie Eating Contest
Participation Trophy in the 5th grade 100m dash
Last edited by Sery (Sat-7-Jul-2018 16:01:03)
Join us in 4w's Facebook group also!
By RD Thu-29-Jun-2017 15:05:45
Mid Card · 347 comments