I remember we had a Twitter thread for our characters. Just a way to send messages to eachother outside of the shows. Sometimes was good for building feuds or just a laugh. Anyway, I thought I'd resurrect the old thread.
Tweet Generator:
@RealBruiser: June 30th - whether it's the 4CW Heavyweight, Universal or Custom Cup Championship - it's coming home with me #ReVIIIval #TimeToShine #NewChampion
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Smokey Bear Fri-21-Jun-2013 03:28:46
Beefy · 280 commentsOn a side note, this was my creation when I assisted Kondi in booking. Carry on... 😋

By MainEventMikey Fri-21-Jun-2013 12:54:23
Mid Card · 376 comments@MainEventNichols - I've already won them all but starting on June 30th, I will start the Slam again! #GreatestEver

By MainEventMikey Fri-28-Jun-2013 13:01:44
Mid Card · 376 comments@MainEventNichols - Only two day from the re-start of the Nichols era.....

By Mr Hilds Sat-29-Jun-2013 23:33:56
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments@realchrisdrake- 12 hours to go. Someones gonna taste boot #icebreaker #bestever

By LHeat87 Sat-29-Jun-2013 23:37:53
Main Event · 798 comments@mdvalentineog: "The best thing going in 4CW returns with a legit title shot at Revival."
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Mr Hilds Sun-30-Jun-2013 00:00:28
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments@realchrisdrake- @mdvalentineog yep, the best thing going does return at revival. Thanks for the props #allaboutme #greatest #grandslam

By LHeat87 Sun-30-Jun-2013 00:16:42
Main Event · 798 comments@mdvalentineog: "........"
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Mr Hilds Sun-30-Jun-2013 10:04:23
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments@realchrisdrake- One hour to go. Haven't been this excited since I heard @mdvalentineog was getting his nasty on with @MainEventNichols and @RealBruiser. #who'sthetop #allthreegirlstogether #notjudgingyourlifestylechoices

By Mr Hilds Sun-30-Jun-2013 11:24:14
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments@therealchrisdrake- wow, what a show. Cant wait for storm front #revival #shocker #speachless

By rhys Sun-30-Jun-2013 14:02:59
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments@RealBruiser: Thanks to all my loyal #Bruisers for the great support at #ReVIIIval. Carstein is a very temperamental person but I've got bigger fish to fry. Storm Front, here we come!
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By theonetruemichael Sun-30-Jun-2013 14:08:57
Mid Card · 406 comments@paladinwells: I got toss out on my butt. boooo.
Last edited by theonetruemichael (Sun-28-Jul-2013 02:49:24)

By theonetruemichael Sun-30-Jun-2013 14:09:16
Mid Card · 406 comments@kensaijinlee: Zhè shì qǐyǒucǐlǐ! ! Zhè shì yīgè duì zuìhòu lóng de yīnmóu! ! Wǒ huì bàochóu! ! !

By theonetruemichael Sun-30-Jun-2013 14:13:41
Mid Card · 406 comments@Courtney Frost: Um... he said: This is outrageous! It was a conspiracy against the Last Dragon! I shall be avenged! #not translating: He's always sooooo angry...

By Smokey Bear Sun-30-Jun-2013 17:51:57
Beefy · 280 comments@MercenaryBrock: No UI, no Blaze, no Scharff, just me and my championship. Feels weird not having a partner or an ally in arms. #LoneWolf

By LHeat87 Sun-30-Jun-2013 20:29:39
Main Event · 798 comments@mdvalentineog: "Poor showing at Revival. Still bewildered by Chris "Belly" Marks. What's he too good for us now?"
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By MainEventMikey Mon-1-Jul-2013 13:37:47
Mid Card · 376 comments@MainEventNichols - Congrats @MercenaryBrock! It only took a 5 min ankle lock and getting jumped from the outside for you to eliminate me but who am I to judge? A win is a win. Make it good champ! #WrongSideOfTheLaw #Idon'tForget

By Mr Hilds Tue-2-Jul-2013 22:35:52
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments@realchrisdrake- got a big announcement regarding the heavyweight tournament to make. Turn in to find out what!

By Renny Tue-2-Jul-2013 22:52:30
Mid Card · 132 comments@MurphysLaw - How long until I am the only roster member left that can walk? #makinglaws #snappingankles

By chux4w Wed-3-Jul-2013 02:10:51
Better than Essa · 1,762 comments@BAStarr (Carlos "BA" Starr)
Just been told the RockStarrs have been stripped of the 4CW tag titles. Why? Some bullshit about a reboot. No wonder this place dies every year.
@Real4CWIcon (Mark Redman)
I'm left off Revival? When creative has nothing for The Icon, you got problems. Bring back Andolini!
@RealLoreleiSpice (Lorelei Spice)
New era in 4CW, but only one new girl? Good. I wouldn't want to hurt more people than absolutely necessary. Or would I?
@4CWGoldMan (El Conquistador)
@SAngel4CW (Scotty Angel)
Welcome to the new management! Can't wait to work with Chris Drake, this is an amazing opportunity for all of us.

By Smokey Bear Wed-3-Jul-2013 16:44:18
Beefy · 280 comments@MercenaryBrock: Heard the #StormFront card doesn't have me on it. How can I be feared by the roster so badly? No challengers and they kept out of the 4CW title tournament.

By Mr Hilds Wed-3-Jul-2013 16:47:59
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments@realchrisdrake- @mercenarybrock, dont worry, everyone that took part at revival will be part of the heavyweight tournament. #doublechampion?

By Smokey Bear Wed-3-Jul-2013 17:15:21
Beefy · 280 comments@MercenaryBrock: - @realchrisdrake, that is easy to picture. I had two titles when I let UI stand next to me when I had the tag titles.

By MainEventMikey Wed-3-Jul-2013 19:28:17
Mid Card · 376 comments@maineventnichols - @mercenarybrock @realchrisdrake I'll be glad to eliminate you from the tournament Brock. Only I won't need two other guys to beat you down for me to win my belt... #FirstOnTheList

By Smokey Bear Wed-3-Jul-2013 21:36:20
Beefy · 280 comments@MercenaryBrock: - @maineventnichols if you are implying I need any help to beat you or anyone else you're seriously wrong. Maybe after you win a match or two, or 20. I might, MIGHT think about giving you a title shot.
By rhys Thu-20-Jun-2013 23:41:18
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments