Have Your Say thread
I am always looking for ways to improve, expand or flesh out 4CW. I want you guys to have a say, since 4CW only runs smoothly when we’re all doing our bit to help create the show.
Do you have any ideas for new championships/achievements, new matches, new events, new concepts of any kind? Not just that, but any ideas in terms of getting new members, or any types of methods of efedding. Any and all ideas/comments/suggestions are welcome here, even if I never specifically covered them.
I can’t promise I’ll use every single suggestion but I can promise I’ll check in on this thread and if anything fits I will incorporate it. Also we can use this thread to discuss ideas and work out if they would be good or bad for 4CW.
I think this thread will be a good hub for discussion on how to improve and refine 4CW as much as possible.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Pilgrim Paige Tue-25-Dec-2018 04:25:10
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsOff the top of my head I'd just like to make folks aware of MoreCW. This is a post-show thing for interviews, backstage antics, post-match fallout and whatever other relevant oddities one might expect from this format. Anyone can do a MoreCW episode and it can be any length; a quick interview; or a few different things, for example. Usual rules apply re: the use of other people's characters, i.e., you must have permission. If simply promo'ing on/referencing someone you're feuding with, I figure run it by them if it feels like the sort of thing that might need it. Multiple "episodes" (post-show bits and bites) by various separate people are fine. MoreCW episodes are to be posted as replies in a show's thread.
If you'd like an example of what MoreCW is/what it's all about, you can refer to the first-ever MoreCW, which served as a bit of post-Gallows End fun with a Paige interview and a long segment with multiple featured characters.
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By LHeat87 Fri-4-Jan-2019 19:58:54
Main Event · 798 commentsI’ve got two things:
1: I would love some kind of Money in the Bank stipulation. I don’t watch WWE really anymore, I’m an Attitude Era guy, but I absolutely love that idea. What Edge did with Cena was fantastic. And I wouldn’t really care if it were a carbon copy with a different name. Just a thought to open up some cool storyline possibilities.
2: This is the big one for me. I despise RPing. Lol. I really do. I never really understood it, outside of a way to have us compete against each other. The most fun I’ve had in all my time at 4CW is with storyline writing, segments and even matches (bc you can have further roleplay, segment style interactions, character building, and more all within a match). And I would suggest that if you still need a way to determine winners. Make it a match writing fed. Two birds one stone. Match is written for the show and instead of spending time R/Ping, you can review shows and flat out write your match and others.
I would still obviously be all about storyline feuds as well. Some of the best material comes from that.
Just throwing some ideas out since the thread was posted. Would love to talk about it more if anyone is interested or what have you
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By rhys Fri-4-Jan-2019 21:00:24
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI’ve got two things:
1: I would love some kind of Money in the Bank stipulation. I don’t watch WWE really anymore, I’m an Attitude Era guy, but I absolutely love that idea. What Edge did with Cena was fantastic. And I wouldn’t really care if it were a carbon copy with a different name. Just a thought to open up some cool storyline possibilities.
2: This is the big one for me. I despise RPing. Lol. I really do. I never really understood it, outside of a way to have us compete against each other. The most fun I’ve had in all my time at 4CW is with storyline writing, segments and even matches (bc you can have further roleplay, segment style interactions, character building, and more all within a match). And I would suggest that if you still need a way to determine winners. Make it a match writing fed. Two birds one stone. Match is written for the show and instead of spending time R/Ping, you can review shows and flat out write your match and others.
I would still obviously be all about storyline feuds as well. Some of the best material comes from that.
It's hilarious how you mentioned these two points, as they are my two points of contention. See, I want to introduce both a MITB-style thing and I also hate RPing. Unfortunately, I'm yet to come up with a solution for either problem.
See, with MITB, the person who wins gets a title shot whenever... but that doesn't seem fair if it involves interfering with a storyline that's planned somewhere or something.
As for RPing I don't see a better alternative. We already do story-based feuds if people want them, but unless every person agreed ahead of time on the result of every match, you can see how no RPing would open up a big problem. Sure, I could decide, but then what would I base it on if not RPs? We need some element of competition that can be judged by me if it comes to a point where there is no planned winner.
Also in terms of matches like 13 Ghosts or Rumble in the Storm, there needs to be some way to decide a winner.
Not that I am against either idea, if anyone has a solution to the problems that come up.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Fri-4-Jan-2019 21:46:57
Main Event · 798 commentsBut instead of RPing could you judge based on who wrote the better match? And then that match would be in the show? I was in a match writing feud and that’s basicallt how they did it, but I know 4CW has always been RP with some planned feuds.
I also see how that may take the “surprise” element out of it. RPing is just so silly to me but I totally get where you’re coming from.
As far as MITB, I guess we could do it and have it come with a caveat of having to plan something way ahead of time and work it in. Not just having someone use it whenever. If it doesn’t serve the greater purpose and is just cheap, the idea should be shot down. I could awe the group we have now being able to be mature about it.
Like I said, I’m just throwing shit out there bc of the thread. No need for change
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By rhys Fri-4-Jan-2019 21:59:00
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsBut instead of RPing could you judge based on who wrote the better match? And then that match would be in the show? I was in a match writing feud and that’s basicallt how they did it, but I know 4CW has always been RP with some planned feuds.
I also see how that may take the “surprise” element out of it. RPing is just so silly to me but I totally get where you’re coming from.
Not a bad idea. Match writing deciding victors. I’ll keep this in mind and maybe put it to some kind of vote if I work out the creases.
As far as MITB, I guess we could do it and have it come with a caveat of having to plan something way ahead of time and work it in. Not just having someone use it whenever. If it doesn’t serve the greater purpose and is just cheap, the idea should be shot down. I could awe the group we have now being able to be mature about it.
Like I said, I’m just throwing shit out there bc of the thread. No need for change
Throw shit out. That’s what this thread is here for. I’d like to hear what anyone else thinks about this. I like the idea of a MItB esque thing with the caveat of planned stories taking priority.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Sat-5-Jan-2019 23:37:31
Admin · 3,242 commentsMatch decisions based on board activity. Doesn't take much to start and comment on a few threads in any of the sections on the board and it's dead simple. If there's ones where it's tight to call, can base it on the quality of their content.

By LHeat87 Sun-6-Jan-2019 02:39:58
Main Event · 798 commentsI’ve always been an advocate of that, but more in line with giving a general push of a character, such as usually putting them in higher profile matches more often, giving them the tie breaker on close roleplays and such. As far as a direct way to judge a match that may be to objective, however I’m not completely against it.
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Ninjak_XO Mon-7-Jan-2019 09:51:57
Main Event · 977 commentsI like the posting on the boards idea. I'm not sure I'd be any good with writing matches and an awful lot of works goes into them. More than I would be able to put towards it. Whereas writing on the boards I can do at work. Quality of posts can go towards winning, but that can be pretty objective. But the best idea I've read so far.
I also like the MITB idea. But we would need our own name. Can't go straight up copying WWE 😋

By rhys Mon-7-Jan-2019 11:38:48
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsNot sure how I feel about the ‘matches decided by board activity’... it’s vague for a start, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to turn random posts into a judgement. Is it the most posts? The best posts? Then I have to keep track of everyone’s posts. Plus it doesn’t help the show at all, whereas judging it on match writing at least offers something towards the shows every month.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By rhys Mon-7-Jan-2019 11:39:26
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsAs for MITB, all I will say is... keep a look out for news on this soon.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Mon-7-Jan-2019 12:35:53
Admin · 3,242 commentsNot sure how I feel about the ‘matches decided by board activity’... it’s vague for a start, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to turn random posts into a judgement. Is it the most posts? The best posts? Then I have to keep track of everyone’s posts. Plus it doesn’t help the show at all, whereas judging it on match writing at least offers something towards the shows every month.
I'd say most posts. And I'd be able to help with that as it would be pretty easy to great a table showing who had posted in the past month and in what forums. You'd know by looking around thoughout the month whether those posts are substantial or not... If someone is regularly replying with one word answers to get their post count up, it'd be noticeable. If you don't want to do it on most, we know when someone's had a good month posting and providing good content on the board... It's as subjective as judging on RPs. And people who write matches get extra points... That's how I'd judge it.

By Pilgrim Paige Mon-7-Jan-2019 13:26:50
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsThat format honestly sounds really stressful and inefficient, in my opinion. A lot goes into getting a show together and warring out post counts across the boards to try to win a match sounds really bizarre, time-consuming and just generally off-putting to me. I don't talk about a lot of different subjects on here and constantly posting in one or two forums may get deemed as spam. It'd carry an odd kind of pressure, I feel. Like, "If I wanna get ahead in the fed sub-forum, I have to do a lot of posting outside of it".
I dunno. Just not my cup of tea.
Last edited by Pilgrim Paige (Mon-7-Jan-2019 13:29:07)
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By benjawi Mon-7-Jan-2019 13:51:59
Admin · 3,242 commentsI can't see how it's stressful... There are many forums for all different kinds out outlets. You only want to post in music and help people find new bands and try different tastes... That's fine. Only want to post about games... Fine also. Pretty sure at one point it was rare to see Snake outside of the games forum. Definitely not classed as spam if that's all you're interested in. Spam is either shitty links to illegal or questionable material or just answering one or two word answers all the time and nothing but one or two word answers. But we're pretty relaxed with a lot of spam anyway.
Greater board activity can pull in new members. People aren't going to sign up to a forum that doesn't look like much happens. So why would new people sign up to 4CW and get properly involved with it when the place seems dead? You all want the game to continue but no one seems interested in actually helping the forum that it's based on, and it's not exactly cheap for me to be hosting it.

By rhys Mon-7-Jan-2019 16:54:47
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsYou all want the game to continue but no one seems interested in actually helping the forum that it's based on, and it's not exactly cheap for me to be hosting it.
I didn't say I was not interested in helping the forum, I don't think anyone has. I'd even say I've spent more time than anyone else trying to breed activity over the last couple years. But we've always worked a certain way and I wanna make sure any changes are wanted by the majority and that it makes sense before we do any other method because we're trying to increase activity, not alienate anyone.
As for the forum, no-one has asked or expects you to host it. Very grateful to you, of course, but if you can't do it, then don't. I'm not putting any pressure on anyone to pay for this site, and I never have,
Edit: Related to that, maybe you could start some kind of fund that any of us can donate to to help run the site. Dunno what the costs are, and no pressure for anyone to put anything in, but I'd chip in a few quid here and there when I could.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Mon-7-Jan-2019 19:17:06
Main Event · 798 commentsWell I missed a lot.
I don’t think anyone is against any way to get new people to the boards. It would only helps everyone. Boards stay up and open AND there would be more of a chance we’d pull new people to 4CW.
I think there is a middle ground here. Flat out using a combination of quality and quantity in posting to decide a match or even a feud would just be flawed. There’s too many subjective questions and just more work on Rhys part. However, I think forum activity should be considered in other aspects (at least here in 4CW). Follow me here:
Matches/Feuds should be determined by these: (This is planned feuds aside)
Primarily: RPs (as of now!)
Secondary: Segments
Pushes/Title Shots/High Profile Gimmick Matches should/could be determined by:
Primarily: Winning!
Secondary: 4CW activity, match writing, graphics, BOARD activity.
That’s just to name a few. If someone is the greatest RPer of all time but doesn’t really post on the boards, they shouldn’t be removed from ever ascending.
On the other hand, someone who sucks at RPing but tries, is active on all the boards, writes matches/segments and etc should continuously be given opportunities and even get the benefit of the doubt in close matches/feuds. Rhys ultimately makes the final decision.
Personally I think that’s the best way to incorporate board activity into 4CW, while not having it affect the outcomes too much. Some people just flat out wanna do 4CW and you don’t wanna risk losing them bc we want more board activity. I don’t blame you for striving to get more people here and talking, I’d prefer it and have tried to step up my game as well (I don’t watch wrestling anymore, so it’s hard( People are fickle. There’s a fine line and we gotta try to be fair.
In conclusion, it’s a god damn shame I’ve never won the 4CW Championship.
Also, I think what I laid out is as fair as you’re going to get with all things considered. Obviously nothing is perfect. But hey! At least we’re talking!
Apologizes for post length........
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By rhys Mon-7-Jan-2019 21:40:45
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsThis is good LHeat. I can work with that. Lemme refine some of that and I’ll come back with a vote with several options. But I think a lot of that is fair, having board activity contribute but not solely decide matches.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By ImperialStingmon Mon-7-Jan-2019 21:49:35
Mid Card · 230 commentsThis is just my two cents. For a lot of people it’s probably a time issue. I love writing matches and segments and really crafting stories. However I don’t have the free time I would like anymore to do so. I know we generally have about a month between shows but still.

By LHeat87 Mon-7-Jan-2019 21:58:20
Main Event · 798 commentsI think the boards and 4CW will take whatever we can get. I think the 4CW peeps understand that if there is no 4W-Forums, there is no 4CW. So we’re all in this together.
I strongly suggest you do only whatever you can handle. Don’t overburden yourself because sadly that can make you sour on everything as a whole and we could lose you. We don’t wanna lose anyone ever!
Stay within your limits and help out/be more active on the forums if you can, but you don’t have to. That’s all. And maybe it’ll help your 4CW career. Maybe you can only RP. I’d be fine with that. Having you just RP is better then having nothing.
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By rhys Mon-7-Jan-2019 22:05:56
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsSo how’s this guys, as a suggestion of how to progress with judging matches. If everyone likes it we can implement it soon. Any comments or suggestions bring em on.
How do I win matches?
The most simple answer is you can plan a feud with someone and as long as you both agree on who wins you can do what you like.For some competition element matches, or matches that aren’t predetermined, Roleplays will be the primary form of judging for matches.
However there will be other activities that can contribute to you winning matches, secondarily:
Match Writing, Segment Writing, Show Reviews, Board Activity.
Board Activity is defined as any post to any part of the board, that contributes to discussions. In a nutshell, being active around the board.
Based on the above criteria, Rhys will judge all matches. This stays true to the ethos in 4CW that you get out what you put in. It fairly rewards Roleplayers and active posters, as well as match and segment writers.
This above criteria will also be used for consideration of character pushes and title shots and general opportunities .
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Gorgrim Mon-7-Jan-2019 22:32:18
Main Event · 734 commentsI honestly was getting worried for a little reading through all that, as my board activity is relatively low and I only really post semi often in the 4cw sub forums, but what has been discussed and refined by Rhys I find to be fair and practical. I would certainly vote for such a change. And I'm particularly glad that RPing is not going away as I particularly enjoy it, even if finding the time can be a bit difficult!
As for helping out Benjawi, I'd also be happy to chuck a little in the pot when I can. Maybe a patreon page or something like that?
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017

By Pilgrim Paige Tue-8-Jan-2019 00:28:18
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsJust putting forth I'm also on board with Rhys' write-up on all this. Good stuff.
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By LHeat87 Tue-8-Jan-2019 02:50:19
Main Event · 798 commentsThat’s the best we got and it’s pretty good. Once we change RPs to something amazing, we’ll be great! Lol
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment
By rhys Tue-25-Dec-2018 04:01:23
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments