Game of Thrones (HBO)
Possible Spoilers beware!
Alright who here watches this show/read the books and is disappointed with the season to say the least????
I mean I know since they went their own way (bc they ran out of boom material) it’s gone a bit downhill and felt more like an adult version of Lord the rings where the good guys win and survivor. I guess I put it aside assuming that THIS current season would hold nothing back, but is so fan servicey (word?) and predictable and flat out not the Game of Thrones I remember watching. 7 seasons of slow build and the Night King is a footnote. Is anyone else disappointed as fuck!?
Let’s discuss.....
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By rhys Tue-14-May-2019 00:25:09
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsNope. I've absolutely loved everything.
I think a lot of people are annoyed because it isn't going how they pictured it in their head. Well, the thing I love about Game of Thrones is they always surprise me.
Hound vs Mountain was everything I always dreamed it would be and more. Dany's turn was foreshadowed since the very beginning. And people forget the Whitewalkers weren't even seen til season 4, so the Night King was always a secondary story. Game of Thrones has never really been about magic and zombies. It's pretty much always *really* been about politics and flaws in humanity.
Game of Thrones is almost over. They have to end the stories. Therefore, some arcs will obviously be "predictable", the question is, have they earned those endings? I think they have.
My one small qualm is I wanted Cersei to be murdered by someone but I also respect the storytelling and how they once again subverted expectations by making you feel scared of Dany and sorry for Cersei. Or, that's the idea at least. It certainly worked on me.
Also I think there's been some masterful acting this season. Great performances from Jaime, Tyrion, Brienne, Dany, Lyanna Mormont and Sansa.
In terms of fan service, I don't know why people always see fan service as a negative. There is such a thing as good fan service. If it's earned, it's good. Like Jaime knighting Brienne. That was earned. And it was one of my favourite moments of the whole series. Fan service can be bad, but I can't really think of any fan service that has been bad from GoT this season. In fact, if anything, people seem to be unhappy because they haven't got what they wanted lol.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Ninjak_XO Tue-14-May-2019 08:14:30
Main Event · 977 commentsI've liked parts, disliked others. Didn't mind the white walkers going half way through, because although they finished the last season seeming like the main threat, the real main threat was always Cersi plotting behind that, so knew that another battle was to come. I mean, why join them in fighting the white walkers when you could just see if they win and then try and decimate what is left of their force? Might as well let them get weakened. Although it is a dangerous tactic because they could easily have lost and then she'd be fucked (well, she is anyway, but we all know that).
I've seen people complaining about Dany turning mad, but that's been coming. She's been about the people, but she's also shown plenty of times that she's ruthless as fuck and pretty cold hearted at times. And the whole thing has been that she wants the throne and feels it's her right and then she's suddenly had that taken from her by Jon, even if he doesn't want it. Her whole reason for everything she's gone through is taken away from her by someone she loved without knowing who he really was, so yeah, she's gonna be super pissed. It's been coming for a while and you could see it in her face a few times before the big white walker battle that she was not happy at potentially losing the throne to Jon instead of it being her right. That and losing another dragon and her best friend in the last episode.
Last edited by Ninjak_XO (Tue-14-May-2019 08:24:20)

By LHeat87 Tue-14-May-2019 19:14:55
Main Event · 798 commentsI’ll admit I posted this before I saw episode 5 but I was told people hated it. I just finished watching it and I thought it was fantastic lol.
My original comment stems from how everything beforehand has been predictable. I think we knew surprises where coming, it’s the last season, but how oddly all the majorly important characters survived. The first scene in the book and show involves the white walkers. I know the book and show are vastly different, but they were reduced to a footnote.
Cersi could be the main enemy, I have no problems with that, but the white walkers needed something more. It’s was weak.
I’ve been surprised in movies and tv. This show always truly surprised you, the randomness was superb. This new season has its surprises but it’s still tropes. Cleganebowl was visually amazing and it was even great storytelling. However I’d argue the book version won’t even have them fight (if we ever get to it). And something else completely ridiculous will have happened. The unthinkable.
You mention storylines being wrapped up, it’s the last season. Before they didn’t have to wrap all storylines up because someone’s story would be cut short by the randomness of war or circumstance. Because theres only 6 episodes, so they went with the predictable to wraps things.
The choices they’ve made I think we’re in poor unGame of Thrones type taste, however they’re doing it damn good. I think I’d still prefer the Game of Thrones I fell in love with.
Fan service falls in line with predictable. I completely agree however the Knighting scene was fantastic, but everything else almost makes me roll my eyes. I honestly haven’t been to surprised. The Knight King dying so easily surprised me.
However this last episode was so so good lol
I’m didn’t edit this, but basically I think I’m saying this is not what I expected which was the truly unexpected. The decisions they’ve made have felt tropey and predictable. That being said, they still do a good job lol. Ultimately I’m still kinda disappointed. Maybe I always would have been. I really hope he manages to finish the books
Former 4CW Champion
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By benjawi Tue-14-May-2019 20:04:23
Admin · 3,242 commentsThe only thing that has disappointed me was that we didn't really see Jon vs the Knight King. He chased him down, they had a stare down and then he just kind of blew him off to keep hunting a cripple... if they hadn't had a stare down before in a previous season I wouldn't have minded, but it was the fight people wanted to see. I wouldn't even complain if Jon didn't beat him and Arya still got the kill to save Jon. I was just disappointed that we didn't get to see them fight.
One episode left and it's certain that Jon and Dany are going to have it out after she lost her shit and killed everyone. Only one of them is surviving this and taking the throne.

By Ninjak_XO Wed-15-May-2019 10:30:44
Main Event · 977 commentsI've heard people saying that Bran will end the series on the throne. That would be the worst, as he even admits that he's not really Bran anymore. Definitely not anywhere close in line of the throne. Really it's Jon, Dany and then Gendry, all of which are currently still alive. It would be so unsatisfying to have Bran as the King, especially when everything has been built up for Jon to take it.

By LHeat87 Mon-20-May-2019 18:36:02
Main Event · 798 commentsLolololol
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
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By rhys Mon-20-May-2019 19:49:12
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI actually really liked how it all ended.
Jon got what he wanted: to live with the wildlings. Sansa got to be queen of the north, fuck yeah. Arya is going off on a journey west of westeros, fuck yeah. I like that they choose a King/Queen now, instead of being born into it. They broke the wheel, one way or another. Also Drogon realising power killed his mother, not Jon, and melting the throne was so epic. I loved the ending with Tyrion and Sam and Bronn and Davos. Also loved the fact that Sam wrote A Song of Ice and Fire, that's a theory I always liked and would hope it came true.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Mon-20-May-2019 20:39:18
Main Event · 798 commentsI agree with you. However it was very typical, very Hollywood. This was the show that was suppose to be different. I can’t help but feel let down.......
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
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By rhys Mon-20-May-2019 21:13:00
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI agree with you. However it was very typical, very Hollywood. This was the show that was suppose to be different. I can’t help but feel let down.......
Eh... to me, "Hollywood" would have been Dany never turns, Jon and her get married, beat Cersei and live happily ever after. Hollywood to me would be Varys getting a prosthetic cock as a reward for his hard work. It was tainted enough to satisfy my needs for pain but happy enough to satisfy my love for these characters.
And they've had pain and misery throughout all the seasons, it's fine to give some sort of halfway happy ending. It's bittersweet, really. Hollywood would have Ned come back to life and kill Cersei lol. And then die again cos he's Sean Bean.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Mon-20-May-2019 23:48:55
Main Event · 798 commentsLol that’s Disney not Hollywood
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Ninjak_XO Tue-21-May-2019 08:26:33
Main Event · 977 commentsIt was a bit rushed, but overall I thought it was a decent end.
The only thing I didn't really like was that they didn't show Jon being sent to prison. Why? Well, I imagine it was laziness. The only way they would know that Jon killed Dany was if he told them, especially the whole knife through the heart part that Grey Worm knew about. So Jon had to have told them, which is in character for him. But let's be honest, Jon wouldn't have ended up in prison. Grey Worm and him would have had a lovely fight to the death. But they just skip all over that and announce that he's in prison. Lazy writing right there.
I do get why some people are saying that it all felt rushed. Especially when you compare it with previous seasons, but to be honest, it's about getting the throne, and once you get to that point there'd only be so much that you could drag it out and afterwards there's only so much you can drag it out.
Did like how Jon decided to just fuck off at the end. Banished to the Nights Watch and just decides, nah, not doing this, I'll go live with the Wildlings instead with my wolf.

By rhys Tue-21-May-2019 13:46:47
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsIt was a bit rushed, but overall I thought it was a decent end.
The only thing I didn't really like was that they didn't show Jon being sent to prison. Why? Well, I imagine it was laziness. The only way they would know that Jon killed Dany was if he told them, especially the whole knife through the heart part that Grey Worm knew about. So Jon had to have told them, which is in character for him. But let's be honest, Jon wouldn't have ended up in prison. Grey Worm and him would have had a lovely fight to the death. But they just skip all over that and announce that he's in prison. Lazy writing right there.
That's what you think would happen, not what I think would happen. Sure, they skipped over it for the sake of storytelling, but I don't think they would have fought to the death. Greyworm taking him prisoner makes sense. He has been programmed to always follow orders. The person giving him orders is dead, so now he's unsure what to do. So he takes Jon prisoner, and keeps Tyron prisoner, and then contacts the rest of the realm to figure out what the hell to do next. Hence why he agrees to let them choose a new King/Queen, so he can take their orders in terms of what to do with Jon/Tyrion.
Also, Greyworm really only wanted to be with Missandei and go to the beaches of Naath. That's why he took the Unsullied at the end to Naath. He only kept Jon and Tyrion prisoner at all out of a sense of duty for Dany - but I don't think he really cares what happens to them, as long as he can say that he tried to invoke some sense of justice.
I do get why some people are saying that it all felt rushed. Especially when you compare it with previous seasons, but to be honest, it's about getting the throne, and once you get to that point there'd only be so much that you could drag it out and afterwards there's only so much you can drag it out.
Did like how Jon decided to just fuck off at the end. Banished to the Nights Watch and just decides, nah, not doing this, I'll go live with the Wildlings instead with my wolf.
I agree it's rushed. I don't agree it's bad writing though. They just needed a few more episodes to flesh out the little things.
And yeah I think the point there was, the Night's Watch isn't really a thing anymore. It was just a way to get Jon where he wants to be and where he truly belongs. In the North. The *real* North.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Ninjak_XO Tue-21-May-2019 19:04:57
Main Event · 977 commentsGreyworm was killing everyone that was against Dany. That's his orders. Tyrion I get because that was Danys orders. But someone kills Greyworms queen, he'd go completely ham on them.
Bran cracked me up though. Tyrion is saying how he should be king and watching Bran, he really doesn't give a shit. Couldn't look less interested. And then he had the balls to say that that's why he's here, to become king. Such arrogance. But that's part of what makes it funny. He can see the future so knew it would happen. That also means he say that shit loads of innocents would die and just doesn't bother to tell anyone. He also says he doesn't want it, so he could have rejected it but decided not to. The whole scene just cracked me up.

By rhys Tue-21-May-2019 19:27:33
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsGreyworm was killing everyone that was against Dany. That's his orders. Tyrion I get because that was Danys orders. But someone kills Greyworms queen, he'd go completely ham on them.
Right, and then Dany is dead. So her orders don't mean shit. Maybe in the moment he'd go HAM, but just finding out it happened after the fact, I think he'd be more unsure what to do, in the grander scale of things.
Bran cracked me up though. Tyrion is saying how he should be king and watching Bran, he really doesn't give a shit. Couldn't look less interested. And then he had the balls to say that that's why he's here, to become king. Such arrogance. But that's part of what makes it funny. He can see the future so knew it would happen. That also means he say that shit loads of innocents would die and just doesn't bother to tell anyone. He also says he doesn't want it, so he could have rejected it but decided not to. The whole scene just cracked me up.
See, I don't see it like that. I don't think Bran can really see the future. Remember when they asked if dragon fire can kill The Night King? He replied "I don't know, no-one's ever tried" all he can do is predict the future based on the past, but he can't literally see the future. He probably figured that he would end up being the person who they called upon, because of Tyrion and Sam's interest in him, and the fact he has no enemies, and he isn't emotionally flawed like most humans, and that he is able to see everything that's ever happened and maybe figured that he is the best person to do this, so that when he does die, the next ruler has a good base to continue on. And to be fair, Bran didn't make Tyrion nominate him, or anyone else to agree to him.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Wed-22-May-2019 00:59:57
Main Event · 798 commentsI think it says something when the entire cast hates how the show ended. They don’t even hide it. I think they’ve come to understand why the show became so popular and how it lost that jazz over the last two seasons. If you liked it, I can’t talk you out of that. Hell. I didn’t dislike it. It’s just so far from what hooked me in the first place.......oh what could have been
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment
By LHeat87 Mon-13-May-2019 23:49:44
Main Event · 798 comments