What To Expect in 2020
As we usher in the third decade that 4CW has existed, I wanted to give a general update on 4CW/some announcements for 2020/some new things moving forward in terms of the presentation of the show.
So, it's probably best if I do these in sections. I'd like to hear any feedback/comments/concerns you may have, but I think you'll all be pleased with what's here:
Win-Loss Records
First of all, a smaller, but neat thing. Over the years, I have tried to keep track of the win-loss records. While some years are missing or incomplete, I do have a lot. They are all listed on the 4CW wikia, which is also packed with a bunch of other information/history that has been compiled over the years by myself and many others. Anyway, my point is, as of 2020, I will be starting a win-loss record thing on the show itself. It'll reset annually, because I can't be completely sure of all time accuracy of win-loss records from the past for everyone, so if we do it specifically by year, it can be tracked better. This won't really be much of a change, you'll just see win-loss records noted in the show akin to how AEW have win-loss records on their name cards.
Streamlined Matches
So what does streamlined matches mean exactly? Well, let's be real, some matches are more important than others. Some are historic bouts, others are filler to get an angle or spot over. So, essentially, people can still write their own matches whenever they want and even offer to write, but if a match is not very important in the grand scheme of things, it may get more of a "recap" treatment rather than a full play-by-play of the match. This won't apply to PPVs, only Storm Front. And it'll make reading filler (and writing it) less of a slog and help the show feel like it's moving forward at a solid pace. Essentially, if it's a squash match with no extended reason for existing, it'll probably be a paragraph. If it's a massive, important match, you'll get the whole shebang.
Soul Survivor Returns - TAG TEAM STYLE
That's right, Soul Survivor is returning in 2020. Previous renditions in 2016 and 2018 were a great success, with Rhys Cain and Witch Hazel winning the respective tournaments. However, for the first time ever, we're going to be doing a tag team Soul Survivor. It will start in January, and will feature the 4CW Tag Team Champions as well as (this number could change) seven other tag teams in a tag team battle royal first round match. The first three teams to be eliminated will be out of the tournament, and the winner will determine the second round stipulation. In the second round, five teams will duke it out with two eliminations. In the third round, three teams will battle with only one elimination. The final round will take place at Revival 2020 for the 4CW Tag Team Championships.
Expanding Roleplaying
4CW chugs along as always, but I'll be the first to admit it's biggest issue is the lack of RPs. It's not really an issue, because we are awesome at working out storylines by ourselves, and it provides the same creative outlet, which is the whole point of 4CW in the first place. But basically, I'm going to be more lax with RPs. You don't neccesarily have to RP for every match to win it.
I'll explain, I'll basically be looking at RPs as an ongoing thing, so RP whenever you want, as often or as little as you want, and make it a traditional RP if you want, or instead just post a "YouTube promo" or an interview or anything that involves your character. Whenever deciding who wins a match, I'll look into generally how much someone is RPing, as well as reviewing shows, writing matches, getting involved creatively, and decide the winner with all these factors in play. This isn't far removed from how I currently do it anyway. Of course, if you want to continue RPing for every match, that's fine, this is purely just to try and alleviate the "pressure" of RPing to a "deadline" and just having an open, flexible RP policy. The important thing to remember is the more you are involved, the more your characters will reap the rewards.
OK, so now all that is out of the way, my final point is more of a question, and I want all of your opinions too. This is a question I feel I should ask every year or so, to keep you guys involved and make sure the way forward is what everyone is happy with. So my question is about the scheduling of the show.
What do you think of the current 4CW schedule?
So currently, we have monthly Storm Fronts, some of which are SuperShows, and we have two PPV months, Revival in April and Gallows End in October. That gives us two PPVs and ten TV shows per year, in theory. Of course sometimes, we skip a show because reasons but I digress.
Are you guys happy with that?
Do you think we should have shows more often? Less often? Keep it as it is? With a lax RP policy, the only deadline we need to concern ourselves with is getting the shows written. Keep in mind the more regular the shows, the smaller each show would be.
A couple of examples of how we could increase the number of shows without burning out:
1. Have two Storm Front's a month, except in April and October, for the PPVs. Each Storm Front would be an "hour-long" show, and as such would contain less matches, less segments but would be coming twice as often.
2. Keep the schedule as it is, but introduce a smaller secondary show that is posted every so often. Kind of like a mix between AEW Dark and the House Shows we have done in the past.
I realise this is a big post, and a lot to take in. But I want you guys to be continuously involved in the process of 4CW. So, take it all in, and reply when you're ready. If you have any ideas/comments that I haven't covered, definitely throw them in here.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Gorgrim Fri-25-Oct-2019 08:58:04
Main Event · 734 commentsWin loss record
Sounds like a cool idea, but in all honesty doesn't really excite me all that much. So yeah go for it.
Streamlined matches
We did this a little while ago when i'd just started, and yeah was a decent idea. I can't say much on the format cus the show kinda died not long after... I'm for giving it a go though, could even be a way to add more lower card action to the show without slowing it all down ridiculously. Certainly up for giving it a go. And migjt even helpbthe shows come out on time!
Soul Survivor
I'd be up for this being an annual thing! It's a lot of fun and can be used so many ways. And to put the focus on the tag division is awesome!
Expanded rp
I'm cool with this. Though there have been times where missing an rp and so 'no showing' the show have actually built a pretty awesome storyline! I will say however that for transparency's sake, it might be worth having a separate stickied thread explaining this in detail so we're all on the same page.
4CW schedule
I'm actually very happy with the current schedule. Again, we tried going weekly before and it was far too much to deal with. Monthly is good for me. Light enough whilst still being consistent. I'd be more than happy to keep that. And as for the house shows, i really enjoyed them and would love to see them make a come back. Could maybe expand them a little too, opening them up to be able to prolong and move feuds forward.
Finally, i just want to extend my thanks to Rhys for the work you've been putting in. For something purely voluntary, this is a joy to be a part of! Thank you.
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017

By LHeat87 Fri-25-Oct-2019 18:35:46
Main Event · 798 commentsWin-Loss Records
I'm down. Anything extra is good. Could come into play, could just be stats. I could even see my character using it in segments and/or roleplays.
Streamlined Matches
I have no issues with this, would def make a lot of things easier. I'll talk more about this when I get to the schedule, because I think they could go hand in hand. Either way, no issues here.
Soul Survivor Returns - TAG TEAM STYLE
I think this is awesome and with how the Tag Team division has been built, its perfect. Keep this kinda stuff going for sure.
Expanding Roleplaying
I have mixed feelings about this one. I was never big on RPing to begin with. I see Pros and Cons with this. Sometimes its nice to get the creative juices going and it could help expand or set up some real RPs (ones you intend to use for matches). I just don't think we have the numbers to really worry about it. I feel 80% (maybe more) of 4CW right now is set up in advance. RPing is good to have to show that someone is serious about 4CW. For example, you have a feud and it runs its course. You have nothing else lined up, so Rhys puts you in a tournament, or Battle Royal or whatever. RPing can then get you noticed and force you into some feuds with more content to pull from.
Perfect example of this is myself obviously. I had just come back, really only knew Rhys. He was nice enough to feud with me to get me back into the flow of things and eventually the feud ended and I didn't have much. Go and finding a feud is one thing, but not always an option. We have a limited roster. The Storm Chaser's tournament was perfect. I could have not RPed and lost and that would prove I didn't care too much about 4CW. I RPed for every single match and got rewarded. I think that was a perfect use of the roleplay system. That and determining who should win when both participants haven't worked out an angle. I like that we can bounce from competitive efeding to storyline. Its a good mix.
I don't know if I explained that exactly how I wanted too, I am trying to write this at work. Basically, I like things the way they are now. Pitching in with match writing, doing segments, creating and executing feuds, reviewing shows, and roleplaying when the situation calls for it, feels like THE way to judge a character's overall push. Roleplaying on its own is better for matches in my humble opinion. I know there are a lot of other factors as well, but I think you get my point. Just one mans opinion.
What do you think of the current 4CW schedule?
This is tough because I think the schedule works pretty well for everyone with their busy lives. However, I can't help but want some more StormFront and PPVs lol. This is where the streamlining comes in. I'm all for it. Rhys makes a card, we give him our segments and matches. Some things are streamlined and others full length. Reviewing becomes easier. We also have the choice. For example, I have three shows to cover before the big match at the PPV. I really only need 2 shows to set up what I want to set up. So I throw in a tag match, tell Rhys the results, and any shenanigans that happens before or after. I think that (or better examples for that matter) could really open up the story telling. I am spit balling here and Rhys we should talk about this on Facebook chat (I welcome anyone to ask me for my Facebook to chat 4CW). I could see us having more shows but keeping the work load to a minimum still. Maybe even be more lax with review streamlined shows. Give real full reviews for the important shows and a few lines for the little ones. However, if someone wrote a quality match on a show full of streamlined stuff, I would review it in full. There's kinks to be worked out, but I am open to working something out with some more shows.
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Pilgrim Paige Sat-26-Oct-2019 23:00:51
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsAs Rhys knows, I'm really into the idea of a small secondary show. I think it's a fresh, fun way to present 4CW, space out the work/the deadlines, and just a cool thing in general. Just want to put that out there for the rest of the 4CWverse to see.
Also all for streamlined matches when there's stuff that's just big enough to be time-consuming but small enough that it won't lose anything for being condensed/summarized.
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By rhys Mon-28-Oct-2019 00:35:55
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsAlright, so it seems like the general consensus is:
-People want Storm Front to generally remain as it is.
-People like the idea of a secondary, smaller show.
2020 Schedule Changes
-4CW Storm Front will continue to air every last Sunday of the month, except in April and October.
-Revival will take place the last Sunday of April and Gallows End on Halloween.
-We will have a secondary, smaller show, airing every first Sunday of every month, including April and October.That show will be...
-"1 hour" show
-Will mostly be entirely written by me, although you are welcome to write certain bits as long as you stay relatively on schedule
-Debuts January 5th, 2020
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Mon-28-Oct-2019 01:48:57
Main Event · 798 commentsBoom!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Pilgrim Paige Mon-28-Oct-2019 07:14:27
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsFuck yes! All over that.
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By Compy Fri-1-Nov-2019 15:51:14
Mid Card · 447 commentsI like the idea of a smaller show, with say 1 or 2 exhibition matches and the rest of the show being mainly segs and promos. Something like NWA Power to Stormfront's Raw/Smackdown.
The tag team Sole Survivor sounds really cool too, it's something different to freshen up the tournament.
Original 4w Sign-up Date: 03/02/2004
Winner: 4w Draft V3.1
Slammy: Nicest Poster ‘08 & Poster of the Month: Nov ‘10
4CW: 2x Hall of Famer, World Champion, 2x Tag Team Champion & War Match Winner ‘08 & ‘19
By rhys Fri-25-Oct-2019 04:31:39
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments