I liked 5. They tried to go in a different direction with it. They're revisiting the concept now with Creed.

By Rossman Sun-16-Aug-2015 11:31:16
Main Event · 687 commentsTrainwreck - it's one of those weird romcom movies where the main actor/actress is actually playing themselves and they try to make everything seem super realistic, like every day conversations actual people have. I've seen a couple of these lately (Simon Hedberg did one which was way worse than this film) and while there are a couple of laughs, it's usually nothing to call home about. 5/10
She wrote it about her own life experiences, so of course everything is going to be realistic. I thought it was pretty funny for the first half and then started to conform to a standard romcom. Lots of funny one-liners, LeBron James cameo's were really good. John Cena playing her boyfriend at the start was brilliant. I see he's got a part in a Amy Poehler/Tina Fey comedy film coming up. Supporting parts in comedy films seem to be his calling.

By rhys Sun-16-Aug-2015 15:41:19
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsYeah I get that it was about her life experience - same with other films in this weird sub genre - it just seems like the life experiences they make the film about aren't that interesting to begin with.
Yeah I'll agree the quality did start to tail about halfway through although it wasn't a bad film just quite average.
Cena's best part was when he was in the cinema and some black dude called him Mark Wahlberg and he said something like "Have you seen Mark Wahlberg? I look like Mark Wahlberg ate Mark Wahlberg."
Last edited by rhys (Sun-16-Aug-2015 15:44:33)
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Snake! Sun-16-Aug-2015 19:33:01
Administrator · 1,177 commentsI watched Get Hard.
with Will Farrell and Kevin Hart.
I was going into it excepting to rate it a 1/10 but i actually got quite a few laughs during the movie... the plot is whatever it's a typical were nothing alike but then we become best friends because of what we go through type of comedy.
Movie has a lot of racist and homophobic jokes which i found a little with so many of them going by in the first 25 minutes of the movie... eventually i was like whatever its not like i've never seen these type of jokes in the movies before.... anyways it's ok if you just need a comedy to pass an hour and a half.
5/10 but watchable.

By Sery Tue-18-Aug-2015 09:58:54
The Blue Print · 1,488 commentsI watched Get Hard.
with Will Farrell and Kevin Hart.
I was going into it excepting to rate it a 1/10 but i actually got quite a few laughs during the movie... the plot is whatever it's a typical were nothing alike but then we become best friends because of what we go through type of comedy.
Movie has a lot of racist and homophobic jokes which i found a little with so many of them going by in the first 25 minutes of the movie... eventually i was like whatever its not like i've never seen these type of jokes in the movies before.... anyways it's ok if you just need a comedy to pass an hour and a half.
5/10 but watchable.
Yeah I thought it was funny. I think Will Ferrel is hilarious and Kevin Hart is slowly growing on me. Nice little movie if you are looking for something that you don't really have to think to hard about.
I finally watched The Boondock Saints. I'm shocked that on Rotten Tomatoes the critic score is 20%. The fans score is 90 %, I thought the movie was awesome. Some of the most criticaly acclaimed movie are the most boring though sometimes it seems.
Has anyone ever seen a movie called Michael Clayton, randomly found it on my hard drive the other day and I don't know how it got there. But I watched it and it turned out to be an alright movie with George Clooney.
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By rhys Tue-18-Aug-2015 14:01:48
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI watched Get Hard yesterday. It started off really slow and I almost turned it off but luckily I didn't because it ended up being quite funny. 6/10
Straight Outta Compton - great cast for this film. Picking Ice Cube's son to play him was a genius move in my opinion. Paul Giamatti delivered as always, he's one of the most underrated actors around. The film was pretty good. Performances all around were good. And the Eazy-E HIV scenes were powerful and emotional. 8/10
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Mon-9-Nov-2015 19:57:49
Admin · 3,242 commentsThe Martian. Very good film, Matt Damon really is brilliant in it - he had to be since he's the only one on screen about 75% of the time. Had some funny moments and was one of the best sci-fi films made in my opinion - and I'm a huge sci-fi fan.
James Bond: Spectre. Not as good as the last Bond film, but better than Quantum of Solace. I've seen people complaining, but I think they're making it out to be worse than it is, saying that there was no plot - there was though. It was enjoyable and nicely tied all of the Daniel Craig films together. Plot wise, it's all about Bond finding out that everyone he's faced recently are all tied to one group called Spectre, controlled by one guy that the world thought was dead. MI6 is in trouble with the government for the previous films and the damage caused, so Bond has to go alone without MI6 authorisation to do what he has to or more people will die because of Spectre. But sure, there's no plot *sarcasm*
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Wasn't what I expected, but was good. Henry Cavill is class and plays his character superbly.

By Snake! Tue-10-Nov-2015 23:09:47
Administrator · 1,177 commentsWhat? people didn't like Spectre? it looks so good though... i felt like from the trailers its a movie for true bond fans... seemed to have a lot of call backs to the older movies.
I did not like Quantum of Solace at all... its probably in my bottom 3 Bond movies. if not number 1. I'm going to see the new movie with an open mind and just decide for myself if its worthy or not... i think it will be good though. and i think i'm going to agree with you on this one when its over and i've seen it Ben.
Last movie i watched was Jurassic World. i thought it was ok... i didn't even mind the raptor riding the t-rex in the movie. was it the best movie ever? no haha. but it was pretty good for a dinosaur movie.. and probably the second best JP movie of the series after the first movie.

By rhys Wed-11-Nov-2015 03:13:04
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI just pretend that Quantum never existed. All of Craig's Bond films I've enjoyed bar that one. I'm sure Spectre will be good too.
I saw The Martian and yeah it was pretty good although it felt like I was watching Interstellar all over again with the same stars and similar setting/plot. I'd give it a 7/10.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By rhys Sun-3-Jan-2016 16:42:41
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsStar Wars The Force Awakens: Has its flaws but is still a great movie. I'd say it's between this and Empire as to which is the best Star Wars. 9/10
The Revenant: Great film with awesome performances from all the main cast especially DiCaprio. 9/10
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Mon-18-Jan-2016 09:53:35
Admin · 3,242 commentsStar Wars (for the 2nd time as my brother wanted to see it in 3D). Just as good as the first time around. Such a huge fan of Star Wars and was so happy that this film didn't disappoint.
Trainwreck. What a crock of shit. I can't say that I find Amy Schumer funny and she's not a good actress either, so hopefully this is the last film she does. The highlight was John Cena, which was a real shock, as I never thought I'd hear some things come out of his mouth. He was class though and given the best lines.

By Sery Mon-18-Jan-2016 19:17:56
The Blue Print · 1,488 commentsMy favorite thing about the Force Awakens was the minimal CGI. The movie just looked great and proves that you don't need a crap ton of special effects to make a movie look good. Really added to the movie.
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By eastdog Sat-23-Jan-2016 13:45:15
Jobber · 76 commentsBlood in blood out 9/10
Concussion 7/10
The hateful eight 8/10
More will be added I watch a lot of movies

By Pilgrim Paige Fri-5-Feb-2016 03:08:03
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsYou're Next - 6/10. Cheesy, vaguely The Strangers-esque horror flick that's smart enough to shine a light on horror tropes and make you shout at the screen, but also knows when to go the opposite route - it's pretty well done. Nothing overly original but well made and has some legit funny moments when playing too into or surprisingly against type.
Descendants - 5/10. Cutesy, typically hetero-normative Disney flick that's likely meant more for tweens but anyways... it's cute and colorful enough, with okay acting as far as a Disney Channel TV movie goes. The concept is cool - defeated villains' offspring get shipped off to a preppy school for hero kids... but the actual end product was too bland to be anything more than "colorful / neat". I think they made an animated show or movie out of this, which seems like a smart move. I actually play the cell phone game once in a while.
Pixels - 4/10. Cool idea, but not new and I liked it better when Futurama did it, frankly. Sandler somehow doesn't even manage to play himself - he has no charisma here, he seems checked out. Peter Dinklage went to major waste here, and Josh Gad was just uncomfortable to watch in most of his scenes. Kevin James as the US president? This would've likely gotten no laughs from me anyways, but they actually played it straight - no joke, just... Kevin James as the president. Just a paycheck for James, basically. This is also one of the those movies where the opening 5 minute flashback gives us something that would've made for a more interesting movie than what we got. Skip it.
Brave - 6/10 - I'm not gonna go into this one too much. Basically, the setting looks gorgeous, there's some good humor and it's all likeable enough - but it feels rushed, awkward and seems to float away before you can get a hold on it - much like the will-o'-the-wisps themselves. Fun, but it's no Tangled or Frozen.
I also re-watched Bad Santa for the first time in years a few weeks ago and was in tears laughing. Damn funny movie. So dark.
Finally, I re-introduced myself to But I'm a Cheerleader for the first time since I got outed in high school - funny and endearing LGBT-relevant flick that satirizes those pray-the-gay-away sort of places that were so common back then. Good cast, cute, funny, emotional and sooo '90s.
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By Aussie Badass Sat-6-Feb-2016 12:33:01
Jobber · 17 commentsLazer Team
Film made by Rooster Teeth (the same guys who created Red Vs Blue, and RWBY). I'm a fan of their Achievement Hunter and podcast portions, so I was excited to see this movie. And I really like this movie, judging by the fact that today was my 3rd viewing of it. It ain't perfect by any means, and it's quite stupid. But, to me, it's one of those movies that I can put on when I'm bored. Because I know I'll be entertained as fuck. And that's the best type of movie.
Movie's about a group of 4 guys stumbling upon alien technology. A set of armour sent to Earth by an alien race, meant for the "Champion of Earth" to wear in an upcoming invasion. They each end up wearing separate pieces of the outfit, (a Megaman-type arm cannon, a gauntlet that produces a powerful shield, a pair of sweet boots, and a helmet). The pieces permanently attach themselves to the wearers quite painfully. Now these guys gotta learn to work as one to defeat the oncoming alien menace.
It's fun, it's funny.

By Pilgrim Paige Sat-6-Feb-2016 17:37:33
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsI've got Lazer Team on my IMDb watchlist - will be checking it out soon, I need a new comedy flick to sit back, turn my brain off and chuckle to.
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By chux4w Thu-11-Feb-2016 18:07:05
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsThe Big Short.
Holy shit. Ok, so the acting is great, can't fault that, but unless you find banker jargon and the specifics of mortgages fascinating, this one isn't for you. They do their best to make the financial collapse interesting, but there's only so much you can do. It's a boring subject, and so much of it requires a lot more explanation than they could realistically provide. They drag you through all the bank-carny with Steve Carrell looking horrified so you know you're supposed to be disgusted.
Although the one great thing about this one was getting the whole cinema to myself.

By benjawi Thu-11-Feb-2016 18:09:50
Admin · 3,242 commentsWatched Deadpool last night. Hilarious. Seriously was funny and was a perfect Deadpool film. Even the after credits scene was funny.

By Aussie Badass Thu-11-Feb-2016 22:53:36
Jobber · 17 comments"We are taking you to Xavier"
"McAvoy or Stewart? The timelines are so confusing."

By Snake! Fri-12-Feb-2016 03:16:28
Administrator · 1,177 commentsStraight outta Compton.
I liked it.. but it was long as fuck the directors cut was 2 hours and 45 mins.
Because i thought it dragged a bit with the time... 6/10
EDIT: i actually rewatched this and paid close attention and was far more awake... it's a fantastic movie. my rating is new now. 9/10

By Snake! Thu-18-Feb-2016 19:15:07
Administrator · 1,177 commentsBlack Mass 6/10
Depp gave up a superb performance but the story of Whitey Bulger was incredibly inaccurate for no real reason really other then to make Bulger look like an anti hero... the usual stuff hollywood does... making an evil person into a celebrity stuff.
Other than it being very inaccurate, it was a good movie and i would have rated it much higher had it not been for that.

By benjawi Fri-19-Feb-2016 11:57:35
Admin · 3,242 commentsCrimson Peak - wasn't what I expected it to be. The trailer makes it look like it'll be a scary ghost story, but it's hell of a lot more story driven than a standard ghost story. I enjoyed it, but probably would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't expecting it to be a different kind of film. If I watched it a second time I'm sure I'd love it as it was a very good story. A very, very misleading trailer for this film though.

By rhys Sun-15-May-2016 18:46:51
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsSaw Captain America: Civil War last night and thought it was great. 8.5/10
It's not perfect, but it's really, really good.
In terms of its ranking in the MCU, I'd probably go:
1. Avengers 1
2. Civil War
3. Winter Soldier
Oh, I saw Deadpool last week too. Loved it. Hilarious. 8/10
Oh, and since I've also now seen Spectre, I can say I was disappointed. It's not as bad as Quantum, but a big step down from Skyfall. 5/10
Last edited by rhys (Sun-15-May-2016 20:26:06)
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Sun-15-May-2016 19:06:29
Admin · 3,242 commentsI was talking about Civil War with my brother the other night. I preferred The Winter Soldier to Civil War. Not doubting it's a good film, but I couldn't see why so many people online were saying that it's the best comic book film of all time. It was very good, but not he best imo. The Winter Soldier was better for a start.
MCU wise top 3 is Avengers, Winter Soldier, Iron Man.
Deadpool was fucking awesome though. Even funnier when you realise that he kills a load of people looking for Francis (screaming at them "where is Francis?"), but it's mentioned when he's first shown that no one working with/for him knows that his name is Francis. So he's killed people who genuinely don't know who Francis is 😅

By benjawi Thu-21-Jul-2016 21:35:42
Admin · 3,242 commentsWatched Central Intelligence the other night. Good film. Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart have great chemistry, wouldn't mind seeing them working together on other films. Only disappointment was that they had Aaron Paul in the particular role he was -
Really enjoyed it though. Johnson is brilliant in it.
By Mr Hilds Thu-6-Aug-2015 21:56:32
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments