10 years of this site...
Just realised that 3 months ago was my 10 year anniversary on this site. Must be several others celebrating as well.
Congratulations to us all, and fantastic work on keeping this page running for over 10 years now. We'll done Benji and the rest of the mod squad.

By Gorgrim Sun-18-Jun-2023 18:57:17
Main Event · 734 commentsIt'll be 10 years in January for me. Does that mean that the history of this site is pushing 20 years now??
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017

By Witch Hazel Fri-23-Jun-2023 14:09:19
Chaotic Good · 64 commentsOn Paige's behalf...
Yeah, 4W goes way back. I've been part of this iteration for about 7 years or so, but 4W / 4CW has been a part of my life for quite a while overall.
~*~So says Hazel~*~
Former Custom Cup Champion
Winner of 2018 Soul Survivor

By rhys Sat-24-Jun-2023 11:12:43
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI've been around for 13 years but the forums, as 4w, originated around what, 2004?
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Mon-26-Jun-2023 20:09:43
Admin · 3,242 comments2004? Damn. I need to get back onto my rebuild of this place. Would be nice to celebrate 20 years of 4W with a lovely new forum that hopefully get some people using it

By LHeat87 Sun-9-Jul-2023 13:44:30
Main Event · 798 commentsMid 2004 for me! Holy moly does time fly!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Aussie Badass Sat-6-Jul-2024 04:50:48
Jobber · 17 comments20 years, come August. Sweet Jesus. I was only 18 when I joined. My back hurts.

By Aussie Badass Sat-6-Jul-2024 04:51:07
Jobber · 17 comments20 years, come August. Sweet Jesus. I was only 18 when I joined. My back hurts.

By LHeat87 Sat-6-Jul-2024 10:56:09
Main Event · 798 commentsAround March of 2004…….2004 my was the world a different place. I’m married with a kid and another on the way!!!!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By LHeat87 Sat-6-Jul-2024 10:56:17
Main Event · 798 commentsAround March of 2004…….2004 my was the world a different place. I’m married with a kid and another on the way!!!!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Gorgrim Tue-9-Jul-2024 10:55:58
Main Event · 734 commentsWe'll be still here in another 10 years too most likely!
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017

By benjawi Sun-14-Jul-2024 09:42:02
Admin · 3,242 commentsWe'll be still here in another 10 years too most likely!
I hope so. I have some plans for making this place better, but everything has kinda taken a backseat for a bit. But I'll be back onto working on that real soon hopefully. But I can say there'll be a redesign and a lot of behind the scene changes

By eastdog Wed-17-Jul-2024 16:28:04
Jobber · 76 commentsAlmost 20 years for me I joined in high school holy shit I'm old
I miss the draft
By Mr Hilds Sun-18-Jun-2023 18:11:56
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments