Board Theme


By benjawi Mon-4-Jan-2016 13:17:11

Admin · 3,242 comments

How do people feel about the current theme? The board does come with a more traditional theme available if people prefer that. Let me know what you think.

Theme One

Theme Two


By rhys Mon-4-Jan-2016 15:41:10

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,095 comments

#2 looks better based on those two screens. I've gotten used to this though so either one doesn't really matter to me.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Mr Hilds Tue-26-Jan-2016 20:43:51

Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments

I like the one that currently active. Only been on for 5 minutes and it feel miles better than the way it was.

If it stays like this then I'll probably be here posting more often 🙂


By benjawi Tue-26-Jan-2016 21:08:23

Admin · 3,242 comments
Mr Hilds wrote

If it stays like this then I'll probably be here posting more often 🙂

Probably? Bitch, probably isn't enough, I need a definitive answer and I expect it to be "I will be"  😋