Old 4w Pics
Essa shared some of 4w's old files a while back. Just thought i'd post some pics of the old boards in case people get curious.
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By Pilgrim Paige Sat-13-Feb-2016 23:39:27
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsAhhh I miss 'em so much! That first picture - that right there is the 4w I remember. Would love to see that layout again. I really don't like the current, even with my color corrected to "night mode" or whatever permanently. It's amazing how much the aesthetic meant to me. This "comment" instead of "reply" and no apparent way to send a PM is weird. BtW the site doesn't work right on my mobile - it only occasionally shows me logged in and I have to work for it to make a post. Anyone else? I'm happier with an awkward 4w than no 4w of course, just sayin'... doesn't look so appealing or feel the same when browsing. There was something more welcoming, more confident-looking about the old forum look. Don't mean to be rude, seriously.
Edit: also, holy shit - Troika, thedude1 and Hardcore Huak! Haven't seen those names in years.
Last edited by Pilgrim Paige (Sat-13-Feb-2016 23:56:31)
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By rhys Sun-14-Feb-2016 00:55:06
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsBrings back some great memories... If we could bring elements of that old layout back (specifically the big box when you had a new PM) that would be great but I don't know if that's anything that could be done with the new layout.
And yeah, the mobile version of the site could do with some streamlining improvements. I also have night mode on permanently as I really don't like the default layout.
Not a slight on you though, benjawi, you've done a good job keeping the site up and running.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Sery Sun-14-Feb-2016 01:28:05
The Blue Print · 1,488 commentsI think the luna forum thing is a free board software or something like that. So we might be limited as to what we can get
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By essa hh Sun-14-Feb-2016 01:46:18
Money Bags · 83 commentsAlterations were made of Acidtech, a phpBB forum theme. https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/styl … ch_(blue)/

By benjawi Sun-14-Feb-2016 12:07:45
Admin · 3,242 commentsI think the luna forum thing is a free board software or something like that. So we might be limited as to what we can get
Limited only in the sense that my hosting is shared across all the sites I own, so if I use something heavy on here like PunBB then it'd be a lot slower and could also slow down my other sites - likewise, heavy traffic on my other sites could slow 4W down a lot with a heavy forum software. Luna is lightweight and has a creator that cares about progressing, improving and keeping the core light whilst still having the essential forum elements. There are many reasons why I chose Luna really, but being lightweight is an important one for not overloading my server,
PM's are in the top menu Paige - one over from your avatar. The emails for a new notification don't seem to work anymore though so I need to look at that - or at least an easier to see notification on the forum, as it's not always easy to stop a number appear next to the PM icon.

By Pilgrim Paige Sun-14-Feb-2016 18:41:46
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsPM's are in the top menu Paige - one over from your avatar.
Yeah - for receiving PM notifications. I see no means to send a PM, however.
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By benjawi Sun-14-Feb-2016 18:47:12
Admin · 3,242 commentsWhen you're in the PM section there's a green compose button.

By Pilgrim Paige Sun-14-Feb-2016 18:53:13
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsUm... am I missing something? Okay, so when I say "PM notifications" I should say "notifications". There's a circle next to my avatar, and when I click it, it says "notifications". The notifications page is, for my purposes, useless and has nothing to do with reading or composing. PMs don't seem to exist...?
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By benjawi Sun-14-Feb-2016 18:56:02
Admin · 3,242 commentsShould be in between notifications and your avatar image. The notifications one is used for subscriptions, giving you a notification when someone has replied to a post you've subscribed to. There should be an icon to the right of that tho.

By benjawi Sun-14-Feb-2016 19:00:41
Admin · 3,242 commentsI just looked at your account Paige and you have PMs disabled for some reason. I've enabled that for you so hopefully you should see it now.

By Pilgrim Paige Sun-14-Feb-2016 19:11:20
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsThanks very much Ben, I didn't even know disabling PMs was a thing. Weird.
Last edited by Pilgrim Paige (Sun-14-Feb-2016 19:12:07)
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By benjawi Sun-14-Feb-2016 19:15:40
Admin · 3,242 commentsNeither did I as I'd never even thought of it. Figured I'd check it though since your last post made it clear that you weren't seeing the icon for it.

By Sery Sun-14-Feb-2016 19:29:21
The Blue Print · 1,488 commentsOn these boards, everything works fine for me even on Mobile. I like both set ups lol
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By Pilgrim Paige Sun-14-Feb-2016 19:41:36
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsPerhaps mine cellular telephone is crappier than thine. 😋
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By benjawi Sun-14-Feb-2016 19:46:16
Admin · 3,242 commentsThe next update should include a few mobile view fixes. I made some the other week, but the next official Luna update will address some issues with mobile views. I view the forum a lot on my phone, and although it looks nice there is room for improvements - which are being worked on 🙂

By rhys Sun-14-Feb-2016 20:02:57
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsIf it's possible, ben, one thing that would help me a lot in mobile view is if you made the big 4W logo at the top of the screen a link to the homepage. Sometimes I have trouble getting the smaller 4w forums home page link to actually work on my phone for some reason and end up putting the URL back in the address bar to get back to the homepage.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Sun-14-Feb-2016 20:09:52
Admin · 3,242 commentsWhat about hitting the home icon on the breadcrumbs? There's one at the top and bottom of each thread/forum

By rhys Sun-14-Feb-2016 20:18:08
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsAgain, it's very tempermental on my phone. There's nothing wrong with my touch screen as far as I know, but even when I zoom in on the page to click the home icon it usually doesn't work.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By H Sticks Tue-23-Feb-2016 17:29:48
Jek · 740 commentsThat first picture gave me that smiley nostalgic feeling.
I got banned from old 4w so many times lmao.

By Snake! Tue-23-Feb-2016 22:22:37
Administrator · 1,177 commentsThat first picture gave me that smiley nostalgic feeling.
I got banned from old 4w so many times lmao.
You sure did... i know at least twice i talked to the staff to have those bannings lifted on you. 🙂

By taker_2004 Wed-7-Apr-2021 21:24:10
Jobber · 71 commentsThis is the one I remember
Damn, 15 years pretty much.

By LHeat87 Wed-7-Apr-2021 23:00:02
Main Event · 798 commentsWow what a find! Mullet Superior. That’s my real life friend who brought me to the forums back in 2004-05
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By taker_2004 Thu-8-Apr-2021 00:04:19
Jobber · 71 commentsWow what a find! Mullet Superior. That’s my real life friend who brought me to the forums back in 2004-05
Wow that's cool! Do you two still watch (I stopped watching consistently in 05)?
Kinda cool to have friend introduce you to the forums.

By LHeat87 Thu-8-Apr-2021 00:52:46
Main Event · 798 commentsSadly no, I'm one of those nothing is better then the attitude era guys. I watched from about 96-2011. The guys on the forum here do and they know their shit. I'm here for 4CW! You should check that out too!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment
By Sery Sat-13-Feb-2016 22:46:35
The Blue Print · 1,488 comments