4CW and the coronavirus pandemic
We take the health of our fans, staff and wrestlers very seriously. Even, yes, fictional ones. Don't worry about the MONSTAR thing, that was ... the exception to the rule. Anyway, we're heading into the months of March and April soon, when we actually catch up with the shows. Fictional timelines are weird. So when we get to those shows, we will be closing all shows to fans, and holding shows in 4CW Studios to an empty arena, due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
As of this moment, Revival is tentatively still taking place April 26 to a capacity crowd, but if the world hasn't got its shit together by then, we'll be holding Revival in an empty arena too.
4CW General Manager
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Ninjak_XO Wed-18-Mar-2020 13:13:30
Main Event · 977 commentsJust know, that Phil McGroin will wrestle in a hazmat suit if need be.

By Witch Hazel Thu-19-Mar-2020 19:09:34
Chaotic Good · 64 commentsJust know, that Phil McGroin will wrestle in a hazmat suit if need be.
Ooh, yay! Hazel has been suggesting this to management for yeeeaaars!!
~*~So says Hazel~*~
Former Custom Cup Champion
Winner of 2018 Soul Survivor
By rhys Tue-17-Mar-2020 13:12:29
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments