Pride at home
So it's officially LGBT+ pride month in much of the world, and indeed it's gonna look a lot different than in any year prior. At certain points throughout the month, I intend to update this thread with pics/posts that show off little ways I'm celebrating pride month from home. Mind, I've not been in any kind of celebratory mood and there's all kinds of things going on to feel many other ways about—and I indeed do—but pride month is still pride month, and it's something I've held close to me for some years now. Also, if there are others on the board who'd like to contribute their own pics, then feel free to do so.
For now, I just want to share a simple thing that brought a little smile to my face from right here on the board itself: Seeing that the 4W banner had been updated late last night to reflect pride month. It was a quiet little beacon in the dark of a tough, stress-filled night.
Last edited by Pilgrim Paige (Tue-2-Jun-2020 03:18:11)
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By Ninjak_XO Tue-2-Jun-2020 09:07:16
Main Event · 977 commentsI always laugh when I see someone talking about how they're going to organise "hetro month". Bitch please, you're like the people that go "all lives matter" in response to "black lives matter". I mean sure, all lives do matter, but when one group of people feel like they don't and there's enough evidence that other groups feel superior then we'll continue needing to do these things.
I'd like to think that thanks to Pride Month that people have found it a bit easier to come out and be proud of who they are though. They can see they're not alone. I remember when I was at school, no one was out. There as one kid that we used to call gay because he wanked a guy when drunk at a party, but he always denied it. I do feel bad looking back, but back then as kids being gay was a thing to rip on people about. I found out last year that he came out a few years ago and is in a relationship with someone, so good on him. My point with this though is that my best mate has a gay kid, and where there was no one out when I was at school, there's quite a few at the school with my mates kid. He doesn't get bullied for it, he absolutely loves going out and celebrating Pride Month, and is happy and comfortable with who he is, so to me this shows that Pride Month has had a good effect on the world. Makes me wish that everyone could be this comfortable with who they are. It's not like back when I was at school, where when you think about it, it's hard to believe that there were no gay people there at all. There had to have been (well there was one it seems, at least) and it's a shame that they couldn't be comfortable enough to just be who they are. I'm quite glad that people can be now and that times have changed. Sure, it's not perfect and there's still harassment in some countries and areas, but we've moved on a lot and having seen how Pride Month has helped my mates son, I could never be against the concept of it.
Be proud of who you are people!
Last edited by Ninjak_XO (Tue-2-Jun-2020 09:23:16)

By LHeat87 Tue-2-Jun-2020 23:00:13
Main Event · 798 commentsWell said peeps. My next door neighbor who I grew up with. So 30 years of friendship, finally came out early last year. I was like 90% sure he was gay, but I needed to be 100% to say anything because he was in denial himself.
Finally he came out and you can see literally a new person. Carrying that weight throughout his teens and twenties. I’m so glad he didn’t do it forever. You only live once. He was fully embraced and supported (although not 100% sure about his parents, but they seem to be trying). If it were any time before the 90s, idk if he’d have come out until he was nearly 50. So happy for him and so happy he’s truly happy!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Pilgrim Paige Mon-8-Jun-2020 19:50:22
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsSo I'm still away from my flat for now, but I do have one thing that came along for the trip. I wear this belt with a lot of open-front cardigans as a way of making them close neatly in around the body, all while getting to show some pride and spread important messages. Have had this for 4 years now.
For those who can't quite make out (or don't recognize) all the buttons, here's the above ones, from left to right:
Love Knows No Gender; I <3 Goth Girls; Trans Pride Flag Colours
For those who can't quite make out (or don't recognize) all the buttons, here's the above ones, from left to right:
Consent Is Mandatory; No Means No; Challenge Sexism; and My Pronouns Are She & Her
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~
By Pilgrim Paige Tue-2-Jun-2020 03:12:10
The Moon Maiden · 654 comments