Explain the Meme


By RD Thu-19-Aug-2021 19:34:53

Mid Card · 347 comments

Here is a thread idea I came up with, it's call "Explain the Meme". And essentially, you post a meme where you only partly understand, and other people explain, in part, or in full. What the meme means!

I'll start with one that is pseudo wrestling related, some of you guys who i'm in touch with on Facebook have already seen it:


Edit: Now I know this is a play on the "guys in trucks" meme, that implies that white men ranting from the front seat of their trucks is somehow considered a worthy expert or opinion on something, but I don't recognize all the wrestlers, or know why I shouldn't like 'em ? ?

Last edited by RD (Thu-19-Aug-2021 19:39:52)

Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if he misses the first section of a revolving door.


By rhys Thu-19-Aug-2021 22:10:15

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Cody - Not sure
Jericho - Trump supporter
Braun - Probably Trump
Hogan - Racist
Maryse - not sure
Brock - not sure
Lars Sullivan - Bigot
Jerry Lawler - how long have you got?
Aries - General knobhead
Hager - Not sure, Trump maybe?
Graves - Can't think of specifics, but he did cheat on his wife with Carmella
Road Dogg - Probably Trump
Linda - Trump
Pritchard - Not sure
Starks - Not sure
Styles - Flat Earther
Sam Roberts - I mean... he's a smarmy ass I guess?

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By RD Fri-20-Aug-2021 16:14:43

Mid Card · 347 comments
rhys wrote

Cody - Not sure
Jericho - Trump supporter
Braun - Probably Trump
Hogan - Racist
Maryse - not sure
Brock - not sure
Lars Sullivan - Bigot
Jerry Lawler - how long have you got?
Aries - General knobhead
Hager - Not sure, Trump maybe?
Graves - Can't think of specifics, but he did cheat on his wife with Carmella
Road Dogg - Probably Trump
Linda - Trump
Pritchard - Not sure
Starks - Not sure
Styles - Flat Earther
Sam Roberts - I mean... he's a smarmy ass I guess?

Alright let me try and fill in the blanks here with a trusty google and twitter.  It looks like The following are anti-maskers:

Flip Gordon,
Austin Aries

Does that help?

Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if he misses the first section of a revolving door.