4w Poster of the Month
Lol it's a grand idea!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Belly Wed-28-Aug-2013 21:30:18
Main Event · 877 commentsIts nearly the end of the month.... So from next week, who will we be sending our Poster of the Month vote's too?? Chux or Benji?? If you guys are busy etc, I don't mind running it.... Anything to get things back up and running.

By rhys Wed-28-Aug-2013 22:03:42
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsAwesome to see this coming back.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By chux4w Wed-28-Aug-2013 22:09:05
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsIts nearly the end of the month.... So from next week, who will we be sending our Poster of the Month vote's too?? Chux or Benji?? If you guys are busy etc, I don't mind running it.... Anything to get things back up and running.
Sure, if you want it go ahead. It would be great to have it back.
As long as Hilds doesn't win.

By Mr Hilds Wed-28-Aug-2013 23:37:55
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsIts nearly the end of the month.... So from next week, who will we be sending our Poster of the Month vote's too?? Chux or Benji?? If you guys are busy etc, I don't mind running it.... Anything to get things back up and running.
Sure, if you want it go ahead. It would be great to have it back.
As long as Hilds doesn't win.
Boom, that secures my victory!
Oh, just saw chux hidden message...

By benjawi Thu-29-Aug-2013 06:16:32
Admin · 3,242 commentsBoom, that secures my victory!
Pfft, if anyone deserves it then I do for my work on the boards over the last few months 😋

By Smokey Bear Thu-29-Aug-2013 07:50:08
Beefy · 280 commentsI say we just wait 4 months, do POTY. And start with POTM in 2014...

By H Sticks Thu-29-Aug-2013 09:19:57
Jek · 740 commentsI say we just wait 4 months, do POTY. And start with POTM in 2014...
Sounds like the best solution. Just give POTY to Ben and start fresh in January, so the work he's done for the forums doesn't count anymore 😋

By Smokey Bear Thu-29-Aug-2013 09:23:20
Beefy · 280 commentsI say we just wait 4 months, do POTY. And start with POTM in 2014...
Sounds like the best solution. Just give POTY to Ben and start fresh in January, so the work he's done for the forums doesn't count anymore 😋
Pretty much what I was thinking. Voice of the voiceless, you are.

By rhys Thu-29-Aug-2013 20:41:40
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsMay as well just start it now. Why wait til 2014?
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Thu-29-Aug-2013 20:52:18
Main Event · 798 commentsYeah! Where's the fun in that?!
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By Encore Mon-23-Sep-2013 10:32:29
Jobber · 24 commentsAhh, good memories!
4w Poster of the Month - November 2005

By chux4w Mon-23-Sep-2013 11:29:14
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsHey! It's Encore! You're a lot more fun than the usual returnees. They're like Duggan and Snuka, who show up twice a year. This is more like Bret Hart coming back.
How have you been?

By Encore Mon-23-Sep-2013 11:42:32
Jobber · 24 commentsHey! It's Encore! You're a lot more fun than the usual returnees. They're like Duggan and Snuka, who show up twice a year. This is more like Bret Hart coming back.
How have you been?
Lol I'm good mate, it's been a while since I've been back here. The other day I purchased WWE '13 on the cheap (after not buying the game in years), and it reminded me of this place! Although I haven't watched wrestling in a long while...
I see a lot has changed around here. A couple familiar names in that 'Top 10 Posters' list I see.
4w Poster of the Month - November 2005

By H Sticks Mon-23-Sep-2013 11:44:12
Jek · 740 commentsWow! Encore! John Cena fan extraordinaire, only Cena fan when the Cena hate was at it's peak. Dunno if you remember me but I think you made a sig for me once.

By Encore Mon-23-Sep-2013 11:59:05
Jobber · 24 commentsWow! Encore! John Cena fan extraordinaire, only Cena fan when the Cena hate was at it's peak. Dunno if you remember me but I think you made a sig for me once.
Yes, I am the original 4W mark! Always stuck up for my boy no matter what. Anyone remember my mark GM game roster? Pretty sure I had Cena vs. Rock back then.
And no, unfortunately never been clever enough to make sigs...
4w Poster of the Month - November 2005

By Snake! Mon-23-Sep-2013 14:03:58
Administrator · 1,177 commentsHey! It's Encore! You're a lot more fun than the usual returnees. They're like Duggan and Snuka, who show up twice a year. This is more like Bret Hart coming back.
How have you been?
That's actually a pretty good analogy.
Everyone loves a good Encore!

By Mr Hilds Sun-29-Sep-2013 15:31:16
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsSo......
Is this happening? Should we send our September votes to Big B?

By benjawi Sun-29-Sep-2013 16:36:05
Admin · 3,242 commentsNot the end of September yet 😋
If people want to kick this off then get sending PM's over on Tuesday. Will give it until the end of the week and then announce the winner next weekend.

By Mr Hilds Sun-29-Sep-2013 16:39:39
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsNot the end of September yet 😋
If people want to kick this off then get sending PM's over on Tuesday. Will give it until the end of the week and then announce the winner next weekend.
Send to who? I know it was going to be Belly, is that still the case, or has it changed now?

By benjawi Sun-29-Sep-2013 18:04:52
Admin · 3,242 commentsSend to who ever wants to take it on. If Belly wants to do it he can.

By Smokey Bear Mon-30-Sep-2013 20:37:19
Beefy · 280 commentsWhen did I get a usertitle? lol.

By chux4w Mon-30-Sep-2013 23:58:52
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsToday.

By Mr Hilds Tue-1-Oct-2013 17:13:56
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsIts nearly the end of the month.... So from next week, who will we be sending our Poster of the Month vote's too?? Chux or Benji?? If you guys are busy etc, I don't mind running it.... Anything to get things back up and running.
Sure, if you want it go ahead. It would be great to have it back.
As long as Hilds doesn't win.
Belly, you doing this?
Top 3 votes, points for each? (Same as the 4cw vote)
I'll send mine in once someone gives me a confirmation on whos doing this.

By Belly Tue-1-Oct-2013 17:16:05
Main Event · 877 commentsIf everyone wants to send me there top 3 votes for Poster of the month.... 48 hour deadline from now
By LHeat87 Tue-20-Aug-2013 22:46:18
Main Event · 798 comments