There's a few things that I plan on adding to the forum. It's a great platform, but many things aren't included for various reasons. I can sort it though. I'll list them here and then update as I complete them or add more. Any ideas for updates can go here.
In no particular order:
- Private Messaging
- Like/Dislike Posts
- Dark Theme
- Update header bar
- Ability to add polls
- Different colours for Admin/Moderator names
- Mobile version - Use Victory Skin
- General look of default forum
- Sub Forums
- Extra BBCode tags - Center, YouTube, font-sizes
- Non-pop up colour pad

By rhys Wed-27-Mar-2013 20:35:05
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI think out of those the most important to get sorted is Private Messaging. It seems like we'll need that more than the others but I look forward to all the updates.
Is it also possible to have things like Bold, Italics etc. on the post screen like on the old forums? Cos if someone doesn't know the code they might struggle.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Wed-27-Mar-2013 23:30:06
Admin · 3,242 commentsThere you go, BB code added above where writing a message. And also available for the quick post 🙂

By chux4w Thu-28-Mar-2013 00:00:57
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsThe board is very narrow right now, especially on a widescreen monitor. I can just zoom in for now, but it might be worth looking at if you're thinking of adding themes.

By benjawi Thu-28-Mar-2013 07:01:28
Admin · 3,242 commentsCan add a wide theme easily. Will do it when I get home from work.
PM's are all set up. You now get a lovely flashing email button in the menu bar if you have a new message.

By benjawi Thu-28-Mar-2013 23:58:53
Admin · 3,242 commentsQuick update - I've been working on sub forums on my test server as I know they're wanted for the GM Game section. All going well so far. Just got to do a few more tests and then it looks like it'll be good to go.

By rhys Fri-29-Mar-2013 14:08:32
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsAwesome sauce. Sounds great.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Fri-29-Mar-2013 19:45:14
Admin · 3,242 commentsNew skin available, which Chux might like since he uses a widescreen. Called Victory, and is a responsive one so works on massive screens and gives you a lovely sidebar for some extra content, and looks great on phones as well.

By benjawi Sat-30-Mar-2013 01:08:00
Admin · 3,242 commentsSub Forums should now work. I'll send you a PM Chux about how to set them up.

By chux4w Sat-30-Mar-2013 15:45:23
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsYep, they're working great. Nice work!

By chux4w Sat-30-Mar-2013 15:54:50
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsA couple of small jobs for you, Ben! How about centre text and youtube tags? And is it possible to add a little colour pad on the post message screen? That would be easier than the pop up. And how about text sizes?

By benjawi Sat-30-Mar-2013 16:00:41
Admin · 3,242 commentsSure, I'll look into it. Will add it to the list of upgrades to look into.

By benjawi Sat-30-Mar-2013 22:42:20
Admin · 3,242 commentsThe youtube tag now works. I'll add it to the BBCode help repository soon, but it's useable now. Seems that anything other than standard, I have to code in myself to use. Will work on the rest later. But for now, the youtube tags work - same as on the old boards as well, just need the end of the URL code.

By benjawi Sun-31-Mar-2013 10:34:28
Admin · 3,242 commentsOkay, the center tag now works as well.
[center]Centered Text[/center]
Centered Text.
How many font-size choices do you want? Just a smaller and larger, or do you want to have a few different sizes to choose from?

By chux4w Sun-31-Mar-2013 13:16:50
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsThe old boards had 50, 85, 100 (default), 150 and 200. Something like that would be great.

By benjawi Sun-31-Mar-2013 20:09:37
Admin · 3,242 commentsNew Dark theme added. I like the Victory style, so I've made a dark version of that which looks quite nice.
I'll look into the text sizes next.

By benjawi Sat-6-Apr-2013 20:10:55
Admin · 3,242 commentsPrivate Messaging is now sorted - there was problems with viewing them and they keep appearing down the bottom of the screen.
Default Avatars are now added.
Working on a new BBCode section. Might take some time, but it will be a lot better functionality wise (no pop-ups). Will hopefully also take into account font sizes as well.

By chux4w Sat-6-Apr-2013 22:29:24
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsAvatars were tiny by default, so I've allowed them an extra 50 pixels each way.

By benjawi Sun-7-Apr-2013 11:00:41
Admin · 3,242 comments
By chux4w Sun-7-Apr-2013 12:03:55
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsSo they do! Sweet!
One bug I've found though, is that since you've got the sizes working the centre tags are behaving kinda weirdly. This whole post should be centred, but only the first line is doing it:
Also, is there any way to add clickable tags for sizes and centred text alongside the ones we already have for strikethroughs and italics? I'm guessing not everyone will realise we have them if they're not displayed.
Great work so far. I see what you mean about how customisable this board is.

By benjawi Sun-7-Apr-2013 16:16:46
Admin · 3,242 commentsI've had a look and the center tag closes automatically (code wise) once you've pressed Enter twice. Can't change this unfortunately, got to work in this way to work, otherwise people would be able to center text in the middle of a sentence which just wouldn't work.
So with your headings you'd need to center them individually. For the text, as they're all one line after the other with no space in between, you can do whole blocks contained within one tag.
More text
More text[/center]
... will only center the header as there's a blank space between text.
More text
More text[/center]
... will center everything as there's no blank line between text.
You can either do the second option, or you can work in in blocks like this:
[center]More text
More text[/center]
Working on a new better BBCode section which will include the center and size tag. Might take a bit of time as I have some other things to work on, but I will have a better one available at some point. Will also get rid of the pop up for colour when it's done 🙂

By chux4w Sun-7-Apr-2013 21:22:32
Better than Essa · 1,762 commentsThat work around could be a lot worse I guess, centring paragraphs individually. Cheers.

By benjawi Mon-8-Apr-2013 22:21:48
Admin · 3,242 commentsThe new BBCode area I'm working on is coming along nicely. Got a colour palette, got a youtube and size button. Also been working on a spoiler tag which I'm actually quite proud off as it looks good. Want to look a bit more into the size button and the options with that and then I'll start implementing it onto here.

By Smokey Bear Wed-17-Apr-2013 04:01:30
Beefy · 280 commentsA draft forum so we can start one? I need to draft...

By Mr Hilds Fri-26-Apr-2013 16:29:46
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsGood work Benny. Forum looks nice.
By benjawi Wed-27-Mar-2013 20:21:13
Admin · 3,242 comments