I don't know if we have one of these or not.. i skimmed through the pages but i didn't notice anything... it's actually been a few weeks since i've watched a movie... but i like these threads so i wanted us to have one...
the last couple movies i recall watching were....
Once Upon a Time in the West (9/10) yeah i still do scores..
The Last Stand (7/10)
Olympus Has Fallen (3/10)
The Conjuring (6/10)

By rhys Sat-5-Apr-2014 03:01:02
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsThis is the End ... 7/10
Hangover III ... 6.5/10
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Imty Sat-5-Apr-2014 17:37:08
Mid Card · 109 comments- Skyfall - About as good and complete as a Bond film will get in my opinion. Only reason it isn't my favourite Bond movie is because Casino Royale and On Her Majesty's Secret Service showed Bond being truly vulnerable and hurt by the loss of a woman. That emotion was in Skyfall but I didn't connect with M's demise like I did with Vesper or Tracy. (9/10)
- Only God Forgives - A warped, visceral, violent and thought provoking film. I'm disappointed that I didn't watch this in the cinemas because on the big screen, it would've been one of my all-time great movie experiences. It's a modern masterpiece as far as I'm concerned but I'll refrain from giving it a score because I just watched it. If I feel the same about it on second viewing, it's a 10/10 without a doubt.
- Dallas Buyers Club - This is my film of 2014 so far. Very well acted, superb plot, incredibly funny at times and when one key character passes away, it unashamedly brought me to tears. One problem with it that brought the movie down a grade was Jennifer Garner. She isn't very good in it at all, a more talented actress (see 'more expensive actress') would have made that character her own. On a positive note (I think anyway), Jared Leto is very attractive as a transvestite. Just an observation.

By H Sticks Sun-6-Apr-2014 21:18:29
Jek · 740 comments- Skyfall - About as good and complete as a Bond film will get in my opinion. Only reason it isn't my favourite Bond movie is because Casino Royale and On Her Majesty's Secret Service showed Bond being truly vulnerable and hurt by the loss of a woman. That emotion was in Skyfall but I didn't connect with M's demise like I did with Vesper or Tracy. (9/10)
I've never really been a fan of Bond, but I loved this movie. Probably my favourite one.

By Mr Hilds Sun-6-Apr-2014 21:35:32
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsVery Bad Things.
A christian slater and Cameron Diaz film. Old, but really good. I'd give it a 7 or 8 out 10

By rhys Sun-4-May-2014 04:56:33
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsHobbit: Desolation of Smaug ... 9/10 ... such a fantastic film. Better than the first Hobbit movie and a great addition to the middle earth film adaptions.
Delivery Man ... 5/10 ... meh. If you've seen one Vince Vaughn comedy you've seen them all.
The Legend of Hercules (2014) ... 5/10 ... I'm hoping The Rock's version will be better.
Now You See Me... 7.5/10 ... little confusing at times but overall a very entertaining movie.
Hunger Games Catching Fire... 8/10 ... stuck to the book well and set up well for the third installment.
Last edited by rhys (Sun-4-May-2014 05:02:36)
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Mr Hilds Wed-7-May-2014 21:40:11
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsAnchor Man 2: Was ok, but not a patch on the first one 7/10
Oldboy: I'm a huge fan of the Korean original, and was excited about this film. Unfortunately, its been butchered to hell. Carito Sharply (ATeam, District 9) was a terrible choice as the bad guy. 2/10

By rhys Wed-7-May-2014 21:53:26
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsThe Lego Movie: Crap. 2/10.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By Imty Wed-7-May-2014 23:22:50
Mid Card · 109 commentsThe Lego Movie: Crap. 2/10.
It's one of the best movies of the year so far and that's not just my opinion. It's widely been praised as a very funny, excellently voiced and all-round enjoyable children's movie that adults will like too.
So yeah, why a 2/10.
Welcome to the Punch - It sometimes tries way too hard to be a Michael Mann film, particularly the action sequences, but ultimately fails to have that cool factor. That's not to say it's a poor film though, a solid 6/10. London looks really stunning in it too btw, nice to see it being used well as a backdrop instead of Macau, Shanghai or a tonne of other developing country cities.
Assassination Games - I watched this with Andy a few weeks back. It's a recently released Van Damme film, went straight to DVD but came with high praise from Andy so I watched it with him. Simply put, it's Van Damme's best film for about 20 years. Location (Romania) is great, villains are solid if a little unmemorable compared to his best films and the action is typical Van Damme (meaning 10/10... awesomeness). 8/10

By Snake! Wed-7-May-2014 23:34:06
Administrator · 1,177 commentsThe Lego Movie: Crap. 2/10.
really? its a cute movie for kids i seen it already it isn't something i'd go out of my way for but it was fun in a family sort of way. 7/10 for me.

By rhys Thu-8-May-2014 03:41:39
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsThe Lego Movie: Crap. 2/10.
It's one of the best movies of the year so far and that's not just my opinion. It's widely been praised as a very funny, excellently voiced and all-round enjoyable children's movie that adults will like too.
So yeah, why a 2/10.
I had high expectations. Maybe too high. Jokes were awful, story was weak, found myself bored out my ass watching it. It was in my opinion a dud.
2/10 is quite frankly being generous.
The Wolf of Wall Street ... 7/10 .... not a bad film and DiCaprio always delivers but I felt the ending of the film fell a bit flat. I'm not sure it needed to be nearly three hours long either. Overall I enjoyed the movie though, Jonah Hill and DiCaprio were hilarious together especially in the Lemmon scene.
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Thu-8-May-2014 06:18:58
Admin · 3,242 commentsRhys, you must be the only person I know who hasn't liked the Lego movie. Was quite a fun film and should get a solid 7.

By Mr Hilds Thu-8-May-2014 17:13:44
Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 commentsRhys, you must be the only person I know who hasn't liked the Lego movie. Was quite a fun film and should get a solid 7.
Was probably too high brow for rhys, he is Welsh after all... 😉

By H Sticks Fri-9-May-2014 07:23:44
Jek · 740 commentsThe Wolf of Wall Street ... 7/10 .... not a bad film and DiCaprio always delivers but I felt the ending of the film fell a bit flat. I'm not sure it needed to be nearly three hours long either. Overall I enjoyed the movie though, Jonah Hill and DiCaprio were hilarious together especially in the Lemmon scene.
This is definitely a film geared towards men. Every woman I've spoken to hated it, probably because of all the sexism and casual ex with prostitutes. I loved it, the drugs, the sex, the fraud it's the type of life I want to live for a few years before hitting rehab.

By Dorns Padawan Tue-1-Jul-2014 14:39:05
Jobber · 9 commentsWatched the Illusionist the other night, very good film. Before that, the classic Predator! Love that film, some of Arnies greatest one liners came from that film!!!

By benjawi Tue-1-Jul-2014 17:09:29
Admin · 3,242 commentsLove the original Predator film. Easily one of my favourite films of all time.

By rhys Thu-24-Jul-2014 21:13:50
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsJeez, been looking to download the new Hercules film with The Rock - there's so many bloody Hercules movies released this year!
I watched one a few months ago, it was pretty low budget nothing special. Then the one with The Rock came out so I looked for it, and halfway through downloading I actually realised it's Hercules: Reborn featuring none other than,....
John Morrison!
Oh well, here I go again. Maybe third time's the charm.
Last edited by rhys (Thu-24-Jul-2014 21:14:42)
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By rhys Tue-29-Jul-2014 14:00:41
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsNoah - not a bad movie but I've seen better performances from Crowe and Watson in other movies. It was a unique telling of a classic story and while it was a little flat at times, I did enjoy it overall. 6/10
Transcendence - In theory it sounds like a great plot for a movie and I think it could be done well, but I think a sub-par performance from Johnny Depp brought it down. Not to mention the film also featured Morgan Freeman and Cillian Murphy but neither really did anything worthwhile. It wasn't a terrible film - it just wasn't that good either. The plot didn't really hit its full potential and the ending was fairly anti-climactic. I'd say 5/10.
Hercules: Reborn - It's a film starring John Morrison as Hercules. It is what is expected. Some Morrison-specific moves during fights made it fairly cheesy for anyone who recognises him from WWE. Some of the acting was god awful but Morrison was not bad. The film did well in some scenes, but absolutely did poorly in others. It really was a hit and miss film, mostly missing. 4/10
Last edited by rhys (Tue-29-Jul-2014 14:03:20)
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By rhys Tue-29-Jul-2014 14:13:40
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsOh, almost forgot:
The Expendables 3 - Not bad. Arnie is cringeworthy only because he forces (well, the scriptwriters forces) him to use the phrases from other films... example he had to say "get to the chopper!" or some variation of that twice - and in the last film, he did the same thing with "I'll be back". The newbies were hit and miss. But Expendables is all about older movie stars we grew up with, not the newer generation. So I wasn't too fond of that. Harrison Ford was pretty good. Wish Kelsey Grammar did some fighting but he was pretty good too. The overall plot of the film was probably weaker than the last one, but better than the first Expendables. I'm gonna give it a 6/10.
Last edited by rhys (Tue-29-Jul-2014 14:14:37)
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By benjawi Tue-29-Jul-2014 16:20:57
Admin · 3,242 commentsTranscendence was good, as was the end - everyone thought he was bad, but it turned out he actually was trying to help. The look on the dumb activist womans face when she realised she had got him wrong was great as it was too late to reverse it all by then.
Watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Fantastic film. The CGI is easily the best CGI of any film made so far. Was really exceptional and not a flaw in it - so props to their CGI team on some excellent work. Even if you don't like the story (and how could you not?), it's worth watching just to marvel at the superb CGI.

By Snake! Sun-21-Sep-2014 16:27:09
Administrator · 1,177 commentsGodzilla
Most people have seen it so i'll just spare all my details... it had a few things i was nitpicking but for the most part i thought this was an amazing movie and made me thinking my childhood and other memories... and i just really liked it from start to finish... even the majority of human characters were likeable or tolerable.
i'd give it a 9 but with the monster power set for the sequel i think i'll likely end up rating that a 9 if it's even slightly as good as this 2014 version.

By mhosking86 Fri-10-Oct-2014 20:03:44
Worshipper of ES · 8 commentsSex Tape 6/10 - Had some funny moments, would rate it lower but there is a particular scene with Cameron Diaz in a very small pair of knickers - Dayum!
Dracula Untold 8/10 - Pretty decent movie, loved the CGI on the film, good story line, good acting.

By Snake! Sun-4-Jan-2015 22:37:11
Administrator · 1,177 commentsI haven't really watched many new movies in a few months but i got around to watching the new TMNT movie...a few spoilers here..but not anything big.
i was worried because of how bad the reviews were some were worse than part 3.... but i was totally surprised with how well it was made.. i had a few nitpicks but not enough to hate the movie... a lot of it had to do with the shredders over the top look... geez.
Master Splinter was great i got tired of him always being a slow ready to die rat like in previous movies... he was a bit more true to the original cartoon show and comic books.
i was expecting the scientists people to be aliens... though.
overall it's a kids movie and i enjoyed it even with some of the cheesey modern day teenagers depictions....also got a good laugh at the Batman reference towards Raph.... also Megan Fox did well as April. although she came across as insane a lot of the time... i think it was intended to be that way though... who would believe her story of humanoid turtles unless they saw it for themselves?

By benjawi Mon-5-Jan-2015 08:17:50
Admin · 3,242 commentsI enjoyed that film, but it really helped that I went into it thinking that I would hate it and it should shit on my childhood. Glad it didn't. Was quite fun really.

By Snake! Mon-5-Jan-2015 21:21:42
Administrator · 1,177 commentsI enjoyed that film, but it really helped that I went into it thinking that I would hate it and it should shit on my childhood. Glad it didn't. Was quite fun really.
That's pretty much what i did the day i decided to rent it and watch it later in the evening... was expecting to just become flustered in 5 minutes or so... and it was great... i'm hoping the sequel will top it since they are finally bringing Bebop and Rocksteady to the screen... i think Casey Jones and Krang are supposed to be in the next movie... so maybe they will make a version based on the old cartoon that we never got as kids... just as long as it isn't terrible.
By Snake! Sat-5-Apr-2014 01:04:54
Administrator · 1,177 comments