Happy New Year 4W - 2020 shit year post


By Ninjak_XO Thu-31-Dec-2020 21:37:42

Main Event · 977 comments

We all know it's been a shit year, but I hope everyone's hasn't been too terrible and that you've all managed to make the best of it. So how about say it here.

For me, I've managed to read 28 books. I'd hoped to reach 20 for the year so to smash that is something that I'm happy with.

I'm still doing well with my mental health which is also a huge thing I'm proud of. I know that if this year had happened 2 years ago then I wouldn't have coped at all. So I'm pleased that I've come a long way mentally that I can deal with this shit storm of a year.



By Gorgrim Thu-31-Dec-2020 21:43:30

Main Event · 734 comments

Glad you're holding up Ninjack! And well done on the reading front too.

Gotta say, it's not been all that different for me. I work in manufacturing and my boss is loath to close the factory. Even when we had all that snow the other year he only closed the place because it was physically impossible to get enough people there to make it worth turning on the lights! So yeah, I've just been working through. My wife has found it difficult working from home and the fact my daughter has essentially missed 6 months of school isn't great, but hopefully next year will be better!

4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017


By rhys Thu-31-Dec-2020 23:09:53

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Good job on reading 28 books Ninjak. I set myself some goals for 2020 to do with reading and writing and one of them was read 10 books. I managed five novels and two short stories. So I'll take it lol.

It's been a weird year. Frustrating, bizarre and stressful. I was on furlough for 3 months in the summer but other than that my work life has been pretty normal, outside of wearing masks and all that stuff.

My only hope for 2021 is that it's a relatively quiet year lol

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By benjawi Fri-1-Jan-2021 00:11:43

Admin · 3,242 comments

28 is good going. I did 25 myself and I've had a boring few days as my next book is long and I can't start it until the new year since I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it before 2020 ended... I'm weird like that. If I mark a book as complete in a year then I have to have started it that year.

My main one for this year has been to improve my drawing. I've spent a fair bit on some new equipment with my favourite being a white light that allows me to see the whole page wherever my hand is when drawing.

Works been challenging but good. I now only have to go into the office 2 days a week unless my boss is taking some holiday days. Not going to complain at working from home 3 days a week.

Here's hoping that 2021 starts to see an improvement though!