4CW.com Exclusive Interview w/Xavier Avana


By ImperialStingmon Mon-22-Mar-2021 15:43:15

Mid Card · 230 comments

4CW has a new Custom Cup Champion in "second-generation" superstar "The Phoenix" Xavier Avana, the young man taught by 4CW Hall of Famer Jacob "The Thunderbolt" Scharff. Gabriel Crowe sat down with the new champion to discuss his match, his past, and his future.

Crowe: Mr. Avana great to see you

Avana: Glad to be here Gabriel.

Crowe: First and foremost congratulations on obtaining your first title in 4CW, the Custom Cup Championship! That's a feat your father never achieved right?

Avana: Yes and that's the first thing off everyone's lips. To compare me to my father right now though is like comparing apples to oranges. He did so much here in 4CW and I'm just getting started.

Crowe: You have one pinfall loss here in 4CW and that's to Phil McGroin, the man you subsequently went on to beat for the 4CW Custom Cup Championship. Your next pinfall loss could result in the loss of that belt. Does that concern you?

Avana: Of course it does. This belt has a long storied history. I want to be a headline in that history. Not a footnote.

Crowe: Part of the history of that title is the variety of matches people have defended it in. Have you decided on a stipulation yet?

Avana: People would say I should wait to reveal this until my first match, throw my first opponent off their game. That's not my style. Truth be told I've only been in this business for about a minute, figuratively speaking. I don't have some special stipulation like chairs or a steel cage. What I know, is that I'm a damn good wrestler. My father taught me that. I've gotta say though, it seems mighty unfair that champions are always the one putting things on the line. The challenger can get maybe 2-3 shots at the title depending and the champion is the only one who has to pay? Nah. See, this is one party you're gonna have to buy a ticket for. Every, single time.

Crowe: What exactly are you saying?

Avana: My stipulation for the Custom Cup Championship, is Ante Up. You wanna try to come at The Phoenix you better put something up, and when I win I take that from you.  It's that simple. No one is getting a free shot at my title. You want it? You better put something worthwhile on the line. When you can outwrestle me, 1-on-1, then you can have my title. Until then I'm making sure everyone who comes at me thinks long and hard.

Crowe: Last question, obviously, we assume the 4CW Custom Cup Championship will be the first of many for you. Where do you see yourself going from here?

Avana: That's for me to know and for the rest of the world to find out. I'm not gonna sneak attack a target though. You're gonna see this phoenix coming a mile away.

Crowe: Thank you for your time Xavier.

Avana: Thanks Crowe.


By rhys Mon-22-Mar-2021 20:18:06

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

Nice! Love the stipulation idea, we can have fun with that... And it's nice to see some promo work from Avana! More of this please 😄

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!