4w Hall of Fame & Contest Winners
Maybe we should start putting more members in?
Join us in 4w's Facebook group also!

By EoE Mon-18-Jul-2016 20:57:13
Jobber · 8 commentsI haven't spoke to EoE since I got a real job and we both had kids, but I would bet a lot of money that he'll be back in January (and disappear again in February)
Dude! I feel moderately emotional to be here talking to you again (three years after you made the post)
And seriously - class of 2004?! Holy crap I feel old
PS. I am old
Last edited by EoE (Mon-18-Jul-2016 21:00:27)

By Pilgrim Paige Wed-20-Jul-2016 00:32:07
The Moon Maiden · 654 commentsCould I possibly have my entry adjusted to Pilgrim Paige (under old username Ravnos) or likewise?
~☆~☆~Pronouns: she/her/hers~☆~☆~
~☆~☆~4CW Grand Slam Champ~☆~☆~

By mordy Wed-21-Sep-2016 15:31:42
Mid Card · 105 commentsThe "Deepest Throats" thread was huge. Can't remember what it started off as, but I think it ended up as something like 10 pages of back and forth God talk with Kondor giving quotes from the bible to prove Pretty Evil wrong, and then Pretty Evil using bible quotes to show how Kondor was wrong (by pointing out the flaws in some bible terms).
10?! I'm pretty sure it reached anywhere from 30-40 pages. And they were just ripping each other to shreds. Like a heavyweight fight.
You couldn't wait to see that yellow highlighted posts for that thread. It was glorioussssss.
Btw, anyone save that masterpiece?

By rhys Sun-19-Dec-2021 01:37:33
Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 commentsI think it's long overdue that we updated this a little. It's been 11 years since we inducted anyone. Pilgrim Paige was already inducted in 2005 (formerly known as Ravnos), so I updated that... so here are the newest inductees:
Class of 2021
Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!

By LHeat87 Sun-19-Dec-2021 13:51:17
Main Event · 798 commentsI'd like to thank Rhys for bringing this back up and inducting me. It's an honor to stand here beside my fellow inductees. I see a lot of smiling faces out there. Former teammates, family, friends, fans, enemies, media, and the like. And especially those of you who drove a long way for this.
(Wait for applause, start to get weepy.)
Come on Lheat87 . I promised myself I wouldn't.
(Long pause to regain composure. Blow nose.)
No one gets to this moment without help and the undying love for this fake sport. Dreams do become reality.
Thank You.
Former 4CW Champion
4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2019
4CW 2019: Champion/Wrestler/Moment

By benjawi Tue-21-Dec-2021 10:11:27
Admin · 3,242 commentsCongrats to everyone inducted. Now let's get posting and make this place amazing again - yes I know I've been poor the past 2 years... but I've barely watched any wrestling and I really need to get back into at least keeping up to date with the news on it.
By Sery Mon-29-Feb-2016 19:51:08
The Blue Print · 1,488 comments