Private Message Question


By benjawi Mon-10-Feb-2014 14:25:07

Admin · 3,242 comments

Running well behind in my planned update for the forums due to work problems, hopefully when I start my new IT job I'll be able to pick it up again. In the meantime though iI was wondering whether people are clearly seeing that they have a PM. So, I want to know if people are happy with how it currently is or if you'd prefer it to be like when there's an announcement just underneath the menu (like there is now in the blue box)?


By rhys Mon-10-Feb-2014 15:14:50

Admin and 4CW Head Booker · 5,096 comments

I like it how it is but if you change it ill be happy with the blue box too. Either way is good.

Thanks Taker_2004 for the banner!


By Imty Mon-10-Feb-2014 16:30:23

Mid Card · 109 comments

I'd like the blue box which shows the message alert. Anything else seems obtrusive to me.


By Gorgrim Mon-10-Feb-2014 16:57:01

Main Event · 734 comments

A blue box would make t more obvious, but at the end of the day, it's still easy to see if you do, in my opinion.

4CW Hall of Fame Class of 2018. Triple Crown Champion 2020. 2 times Universal, 2 times Tag team and 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion.
Wrestler of the Year 2017, Champion of the Year 2017, Most Improved 2017


By Snake! Mon-10-Feb-2014 17:00:29

Administrator · 1,177 comments

By chux4w Mon-10-Feb-2014 17:07:34

Better than Essa · 1,762 comments

I like the notification bar, but the orange blends in too much (with the black theme) and it's pretty easy to overlook.



By Compy Mon-10-Feb-2014 18:42:36

Mid Card · 447 comments

Yeah I like the announcement thing in the box, makes it difficult to miss!

Original 4w Sign-up Date: 03/02/2004
Winner: 4w Draft V3.1
Slammy: Nicest Poster ‘08 & Poster of the Month: Nov ‘10
4CW: 2x Hall of Famer, World Champion, 2x Tag Team Champion & War Match Winner ‘08 & ‘19


By Mr Hilds Mon-10-Feb-2014 21:20:07

Almost God like? Maybe... · 1,774 comments

Happy either way.


By chux4w Tue-11-Feb-2014 03:10:48

Better than Essa · 1,762 comments
Mr Hilds wrote

Happy either way.

Yeah. I heard that about you.
